Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Psychology

Our team...
Padlet for feedback on the Psychology 22-27 Action plan.
We are delighted to announce that the Department of Psychology have been given a SILVER award for our March 2022 submission!
This means that the department has shown it has good structures and processes in place to support gender equality work, has identified and made progress against issues in key priority areas and, most importantly, has shown success in addressing gender equality.
This is, therefore, a whole-department success: the award reflects consistent efforts to address gender equality across our department and we could not have achieved it without the support and buy-in of everyone. Thank you to everyone who answered questionnaires, attended focus groups, and gave us feedback, and thank you to everyone who more generally contributed to the Athena Swan agenda in their department activities by taking on new roles or supporting new initiatives. And particular, of course, to the Athena Swan Working Group who put so much effort into these initiatives and the application.
Read our redacted submission hereLink opens in a new window.
The Athena SWAN charter:
Recognising advancement of gender equality: representation, progression and success for all.
A new Advance HE charter was launched in October 2021 and our March 2022 submission worked towards these principles.
The Athena SWAN Charter is a framework which is used across the globe to support and transform gender equality within higher education and research. It covers women (and men where appropriate) in:
- academic roles in STEMM and AHSSBL
- professional and support staff
- trans staff and students
In relation to their:
- representation
- progression of students into academia
- journey through career milestones
- working environment for all staff
Psychology's commitment to the Athena Swan Charter principlesLink opens in a new window
Inspiring greater diversity in leadership:
Congratulations to Professor Anu Realo who as part of The International Day of Women and Girls in Science has been recognised as one of Estonian's 16 outstanding female researchers. Find out more here.
Hear from Psychology's Professor Sotaro Kita about the Warwick INspire Programme.
New Warwick Principles and Social Inclusion course
For all staff.
Build a Better Work Place training
Rolled out to all staff February 2023.
Simply scan the QR code to enrol.
This fund provides a contribution of up to £200 to cover the additional caring costs that individuals incur in order to attend a conference/training session or similar.
Applications can be made using this form and submitted to Hod.Psychology@warwick.ac.uk .
- Read an article in the
BPS Journal, Psychology of Women and Equalities Section Review, vol 3
by former Psychology student on the historical lack of female representation in Psychological research here.
What we are doing
The Department of Psychology is committed to fostering a supportive culture and environment for all staff and students regardless of race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion and belief, or age. We place great importance on the fair and equitable treatment of all staff and students, embracing the principles and practices of the Athena SWAN Charter.In recognition of our commitment, the Department earned the Athena SWAN Bronze Award in 2012 and renewed the Bronze Award in November 2016. In 2022 we were awarded a Silver Award.How we work
Our Athena SWAN initiatives are led by our Self-Assessment Team (SAT) and supported by Athena Swan Champions in 16 working groups. The SAT and working groups include academic, clinical and administrative staff of all grades from across all of our divisions, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Involving our community
We work closely with our staff and students to make sure our Athena Swan strategy is shaped by our whole community. Find out about some of the ways we do this.
Interested in what else is happening on campus? Visit the EDandI teams pages.
February 2023
Psychology Covid-19 Survey (2)
Staff and PhDs are invited to complete this survey, designed to gather data on the long-term and wider impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns on people in the Psychology department.
Staff Culture: Share your experiences
Learn more about our Staff Culture Survey and share your experience and sense of belonging and inclusion here at Warwick. By taking 20 minutes to share your thoughts, you can help to identify diversity, equity, and inclusion gaps, and inform decision-making and plans to address these.

The Pronouns Pledge (warwick.ac.uk)

Department Brown Bag Lunch Seminars: Zachary Horne, University of Edinburgh
Internal/Language and Learning Seminars: Dr Kayla Keyue Chen, UCL
Department Brown Bag Lunch Seminars: Yunxiao Li, University of Warwick
Language and Learning Seminars: Dr Richard Moore, University of Warwick
What are former Warwick Psychology PhD students doing now? - Dr Zorana Zupan and Dr Jacob Barker and Dr Sophie Hardy
July 2020: Forum for Leaders of Inclusive Cultures. Hear from the leaders of inclusive cultures in their latest ‘Mind the Pay Gap’ webinar
July 2020: Psychology staff survey on Impact of Coronavirus.
Useful links
More information:
- What’s on? Click HERE to see initiatives and programmes available in the department.
- Want to get involved? Click HERE .To leave anonymous suggestions or ideas for promoting equality & diversity please use the on-line suggestion box HERE.
- Take part in a general discussion using the forum HERE
- And for the curious: Further reading
- Worried, distressed, concerned? Please consult the Wellbeing pages or contact the departmental bullying, harassment, dignity at work mentors:
- Melina Kunar, H1.32
- Linda Wilson, H1.38