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Archive of previous LHW Research Projects

Research on European Children and Adults born Preterm

Although very preterm or very low weight births constitute fewer than 2% of all births across Europe, they account for up to half of perinatal and infant deaths, children with impairments and disabilities and more than a third of the health and educational budgets for children.

In addition to the increased risk for physical impairments, babies born the earliest and the smallest are also at higher risks of psychological and social problems than infants born at term. The RECAP preterm Project aims to understand the causes of these difficulties faced by very preterm children and adults in order improve the health, development and quality of life of these individuals.

The study was funded with Euro 9.7 million by the EU Horizon 2020. We constructed a worldwide unique data platform

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Precursors and Consequences of Bullying

We have been awarded an ESRC grant to investigate how experiences of bullying, as early as primary school, affect long term psychological, social functioning and wealth accumulation of people.

Link to Study Blog  ESRC SDAI


In collaboration with four other UK universities, we are exploring how people involved in donor conception both use and are impacted by the rise in online DNA testing (sometimes called direct-to-consumer genetic testing or DTCGT for short). This project is funded by the ESRC.

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Student Mental Health and Resilience in Transition (SMaRT)

The overall aim of this study is to understand how factors such as lifestyle and social relationships are related to mental health in university students. Furthermore, the study aims to identify factors that may build resilience for students at university, and in turn to help inform the development of prevention and care strategies for students.