Systems Biology DTC 2009 Intake
Action of NF-Y transcription factors in plant stress responses
Vicky Buchanan-Wollaston & Katherine Denby
Kashi Gorton
Transcription factors mediating input to and output from the Ostreococcus tauri circadian clock
Supervisors: Isabelle Carre (WLS) & Sascha Ott (WSB)
Calcium microdomains in smooth muscle: role in pacemaking and excitation-contraction coupling
Tony Shmygol (WMS) & Magnus Richardson (WSB)
Miriam Gifford (WLS) & Nigel Burroughs
Design of synthetic promoters for specific stress-responsive expression patterns
Katherine Denby (WLS) & Sascha Ott (WSB)
Vicky Buchanan-Wollaston & Andrew Mead (WLS)
Yuriy Pankratov (WLS) & Nigel Stocks (Eng)
Modelling the role of negative feedback in information transmission within fission yeast
Graham Ladds(WMS) & David Rand (WSB)
A systems perspective on cell polarity
Graham Ladds (WMS) & Till Bretschneider (WSB)
These are the first year Systems Biology DTC students, their MOAC peer group are here

Anthony Carter
(Mathematics background)
Ashley Goddard
(Bioinformatics background)
Chris Barrington
(Bioinformatics background)
Daniel Levin (SABR)
(Mathematics background)
Daniela Woltmann
(Mathematics background)
Jack Keily (SABR)
(Biology background)
James Boyd (SABR)
(Mathematics background)
Johanna Rhodes (SABR)
(Biology background)
Joseph Hemsted (SABR)
(Natural Science background)
Karen Dunn (SABR)
(Biology background)
Katherine Tibbles
(Biochemistry background)
Laura Lewis (SABR)
(Biology background)
Michael Kerr
(Natural Sciences background)
Rodrigo Bammann
(Biology background)
Simon West (SABR)
(Mathematics background)