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Supply Chain Resilience

Building Supply Chain Resilience in the Midlands Region

Virtual Workshop for findings validation

Thursday 24th March 2021, 14:30 -15:30


The purpose of this workshop is to validate the overall findings on the supply chain (SC) challenges and opportunities for the Midlands region


To follow up our last workshop on the 2nd March, you were invited to share your insights on the regional SC challenges and opportunities to build SC resilience with other key regional stakeholders in our last workshop.

We have considered your insights with our findings from the systematic literature review research. We would like you to attend our final workshop to validate the overall findings. This workshop will cover following themes:

  • What value does Supply Chain create for regional development?
  • What are key Supply Chain vulnerability factors caused Supply Chain disruptions in the region?
  • What can business do to mitigate risks and increase Supply Chain Resilience?
  • What support can local authority provide to businesses?