Dr Jason Anderson
Research Interests
My research interests orbit around the complexities of teaching and the diverse experiences of teachers around the world - particularly those working in the global South, whose experiences, challenges and expertise are too often overlooked and under-researched. I have studied teacher expertise, teacher reflection, teacher beliefs and teacher experiences. I am interested in both pre-service and in-service teacher education, including pedagogy, lesson planning, curriculum design, materials development, teacher research and formative assessment. Within language teaching I also investigate and write about methodology, its past, present and potential future, as well as aspects of multilingualism and translanguaging in the classroom. My research approaches are equally diverse, employing qualitative and quantitative methods and also participatory and action research whenever appropriate in my attempts to further my understanding of appropriate good practice in education.
My background is as a teacher educator, materials writer, consultant and researcher, working in both language teaching and mainstream education for 30 years. I have supported teachers in over 30 countries worldwide, pre-service and in-service, for national ministries of education and organisations including UNICEF, the British Council and Trinity College London, particularly across the Global South (Africa and South Asia primarily). My publications include teacher resource books, teacher education support titles, reports and over 60 research, theory and practical articles for which I have won several awards (two British Council ELTon awards; the Christopher Brumfit Essay Prize, the Trinity College London Chairperson's Award, the Kings College London Hans Prize in Education and the British Council Master's Dissertation Award). My PhD (2018-2021) and Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (2021-2022) - both sponsored by the ESRC - focused on the topic of teacher expertise in the global South. The outputs of this project include a number of academic papers, in-service teacher development initiatives, collaborative work with my research participants and a book in the Cambridge Education Research series, entitled Teacher Expertise in the Global South: Theory, Research and EvidenceLink opens in a new window. I am also the founding series editor of the award-winning Delta Publishing 'Ideas in Action' seriesLink opens in a new window, chief editor of the ELTED (English Language Teacher Education and Development) JournalLink opens in a new window, a visiting lecturer at the University of Malta and Ibn Haldun University (Türkiye), a member of the editorial board for Language TeachingLink opens in a new window (Cambridge University Press) and a member of the Oxford University Press ELT Expert Advisory BoardLink opens in a new window. Further online resources:
Personal websiteLink opens in a new window | Personal blogLink opens in a new window | Twitter: @jasoneltLink opens in a new window | ORCIDLink opens in a new window | ResearchGateLink opens in a new window | YouTubeLink opens in a new window | Google ScholarLink opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2024). Language teacher expertise research: A theoretical case and research agenda. Language Teaching. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0261444824000168Link opens in a new window
Ončevska Ager, E., & Anderson, J. (2024). Affordance-based lesson planning in pre-service teacher education. ELT Journal. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1093/elt/ccae048Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2024). Metasummary: examining the potential of a methodologically inclusive approach for conducting systematic reviews of educational research. Educational Review. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131911.2024.2401079Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2024). Teacher Research. In H. Nesi & P. Milin (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 3rd Edition. Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-95504-1.00082-XLink opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2024). The translanguaging practices of expert Indian teachers of English and their learners. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 45(6), 2233-2251. https://doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2022.2045300Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J., & Mahapatra, S. (2024). From "Difficult Circumstances" to the "Global South": An appraisal of terms used to describe disadvantage in education in the Global South. FORTELL, 49, 7-23. https://www.fortell.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Fortell-July-2024-7-23.pdfLink opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2024). Translanguaging: A paradigm shift for ELT theory and practice. ELT Journal, 78(1), 72-81. https://doi.org/10.1093/elt/ccad057Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2023). Reimagining educational linguistics: A post-competence perspective. Educational Linguistics. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1515/eduling-2023-0009Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2023). Teacher expertise in the global South: Theory, research and evidence. Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781009284837Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2023). TESOL textbook content in the global South: Challenges and opportunities for appropriate and sustainable learning. In A. Smarti, S. Iannuzzi, L. Horvath and M. Sinclair (Eds.), NISSEM Global Briefs, Vol. 4: Doing more with language teaching (pp. 370-399). NISSEM. (click hereLink opens in a new window)
Anderson, J. (2023). Forty years of research on expert teachers: What we know and why it's important. Modern English Teacher, 32(3), 48-52. (click hereLink opens in a new window)
Anderson, J., & Taner, G. (2023). Building the expert teacher prototype: A metasummary of teacher expertise studies in primary and secondary education. Educational Research Review, 38, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.edurev.2022.100485
Anderson, J. (2023). Can teacher case study research be participatory? Critical reflections on the approach adopted for an English language teacher expertise study in India. TESOL Quarterly, 57(1), 298-309. https://doi.org/10.1002/tesq.3183
Anderson, J. (2023). Translanguaging in the ELT classroom. Modern English Teacher, 32(2), 46-50. (click hereLink opens in a new window)
Mahapatra, S. K., & Anderson, J. (2023). Languages for learning: A framework for implementing India's language-in-education policy. Current Issues in Language Planning, 24(1), 102-122 . https://doi.org/10.1080/14664208.2022.2037292Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2023). The myth of a theory-practice gap in education. ELT Research: IATEFL Research SIG Newsletter, 38, 1-7. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2023). Researching and Developing Teacher Expertise in the Global South: Local and Transferable Solutions. In: Khan, R., Bashir, A., Basu, B.L., Uddin, M.E. (Eds), Local Research and Glocal Perspectives in English Language Teaching (pp. 399-417). Springer Link. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-6458-9_25
Anderson, J. (2022). What's in a name? Why ‘SLA’ is no longer fit for purpose and the emerging, more equitable alternatives. Language Teaching, 55, 427-433 . https://doi.org/10.1017/S0261444822000192
Borg, S., Anderson, J., Beaumont, B., Xie, K., Guo, Y., Thorburn, R., Choi, T., Kim, H. J., Aizawa, I., & Fujinaga, K. (2022). The continuing professional development experiences and needs of English language teachers (Countries: China, Japan and Korea). British Council. https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/sites/teacheng/files/2022-10/CPD_experiences_needs_English_language_teachers-China-Japan-Korea.pdfLink opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2022). In need of rebranding: Why we should change terminology from 'young learners' to 'pre-primary', 'primary' and 'secondary learners' of English. Modern English Teacher, 31(4), 6-9. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2022). Learning from Indian teacher expertise: A policy and practice report for educational organisations in India. University of Warwick. http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.21551.61609
Anderson, J. & Lightfoot, A. (2022). Exploratory survey research. In K. Dikilitaş, & K. Reynolds (Eds.), Research methods in language teaching and learning: A practical guide (pp. 182-199). Wiley Blackwell. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J., Padwad, A., & Smith, R. (2021). Language teaching in difficult circumstances. In H. Mohebbi & C. Coombe (Eds.) Research Questions in Language Education and Applied Linguistics (pp. 111-116). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-79143-8_21Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (Ed.) (2021). Our English Club resource book: A resource book for teachers working in English Clubs across Africa. British Council. https://www.britishcouncil.com.sn/sites/default/files/our_english_club_resource_book_2021.pdf
Anderson, J. (2021). Eight expert Indian teachers of English: A participatory comparative case study of teacher expertise in the Global South. [Doctoral dissertation, University of Warwick]. Warwick WRAP. http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/159940/
Anderson, J. & Lightfoot, A. (2021). Translingual practices in English classrooms in India: Current perceptions and future possibilities. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 24(8), 1210-1231. https://doi.org/10.1080/13670050.2018.1548558
Anderson, J. (2021). English Club Resource Book (English Connects). British Council. https://www.britishcouncil.com.sn/sites/default/files/british_council_english_resource_book_31_3_2021_print-compressed.pdf
Anderson, J. (2021). The effective teacher of English: Beliefs of Indian teachers. In K. Dixit, V. Joshi, R. Chakrakodi, N. Khan, K. Mukherjee, & M. Mane (Eds.), Teaching English in multilingual contexts: Selections from the fifth AINET International Conference, Hyderabad, 10-11 January 2020 (pp. 21-36). AINET. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2021). The book I always refer to: Training foreign language teachers by Michael J Wallace (review) Modern English Teacher, 30(3), 80-82. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2021). Using activities effectively. English Teaching Professional, 133, 8-11. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2021). A framework for project-based learning in TESOL. Modern English Teacher, 30(2), 45-49. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2020). Reflection: Key concepts in ELT. ELT Journal, 74(4), 480-483. https://doi.org/10.1093/elt/ccaa039
Anderson, J. (2020). ‘Buying in’ to communicative language teaching: the impact of ‘initial’ certification courses on the classroom practices of experienced teachers of English. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 14(1), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1080/17501229.2018.1471082
Anderson, J. (2020). The Effective teacher of English: An exploratory qualitative study of Indian English teachers’ beliefs. English Language Teaching Education and Development, 23, 10-20. http://www.elted.net/uploads/7/3/1/6/7316005/2_anderson_2020_the_effective_teacher_of_english-indian_teachers_beliefs.pdf
Anderson, J. (2020). The TATE model: A curriculum design framework for language teaching. ELT Journal, 74(2), 175-184. https://doi.org/10.1093/elt/ccaa005
Anderson, J. (2020). A response to Ellis: The dangers of a narrowly-focused SLA canon. ELT Journal, 74(2), 195-197. https://doi.org/10.1093/elt/ccaa016
Anderson, J. (2020). Nomination. Modern English Teacher, 29(4), 47-50. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2020). Deconstructing jigsaw activities. In T. Pattison (Ed.) IATEFL Conference
Selections. (pp. 52-54) IATEFL. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2020). Interactive reflection. English Teaching Professional, 127, 4-6. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2020). Making class debates meaningful. Modern English Teacher, 29(2), 35-38. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2019). In search of reflection-in-action: An exploratory study of the interactive reflection of four experienced teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 86, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2019.102879
Anderson, J. (2019). Activities for Cooperative Learning: Making Groupwork and Pairwork Effective in the ELT Classroom. Delta Publishing/Ernst Klett Sprachen. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J., & Lightfoot, A. (2019). The School Education System in India: An Overview. British Council. https://www.britishcouncil.in/sites/default/files/school_education_system_in_india_report_2019_final_web.pdf
Anderson, J. (2019). Topsy-turvy teacher training: An attempt to blend top-down and bottom-up approaches to in-service language teacher education. The Teacher Trainer, 33(3), 21-24. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2019). Recentring ELT: India at the centre of the multilingual turn? In S. Mohanraj (Ed.), ELTAI: An Epic Journey of 50 Years (pp. 144-146). Chennai, India: ELTAI Chennai. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2019). Cooperative learning: Principles and practice. English Teaching Professional, 121, 4-6. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2019). Deconstructing jigsaw activities: Modern English Teacher, 28(2), 35-37. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2018). Reimagining English language learners from a translingual perspective. ELT Journal, 72(1), 26-37. https://doi.org/10.1093/elt/ccx029
Anderson, J. (2018). The role of initial teacher training courses in the professional development of experienced non-native speaker English language teachers. English Language Teaching Education and Development, 21, 37-46. http://www.elted.net/uploads/7/3/1/6/7316005/-anderson_2018.pdf
Anderson, J. (2018) Context, analysis, practice: The hidden paradigm in contemporary ELT. In Pattison, T. (Ed.) IATEFL Glasgow Conference Selections (pp. 98-101). IATEFL. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2018). 'The future of training', or The elephant that swallowed the room. International House Teacher Training. https://www.ihlondon.com/blog/posts/2018/the-future-of-training-or-the-elephant-that-swallowed-the-room-jason-anderson/
Anderson, J. (2018). Worth a thousand words. English Teaching Professional, 117, 55-56. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2017). A potted history of PPP with the help of ELT Journal. ELT Journal, 71(2), 218-227. https://doi.org/10.1093/elt/ccw055
Anderson, J. (2017). A fundamental dichotomy in ELT methodology: A response to May Pang. ELT Journal, 71(1), 92-95. https://doi.org/10.1093/elt/ccw071
Anderson, J. (2017). Context, analysis and practice. IATEFL Voices, 256, 4-5. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2017). Thinking CAP. Modern English Teacher, 26(3), 13-15. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2017). Trinity CertTESOL Companion: A Guide for English Language Teachers. Delta Publishing/Ernst Klett Sprachen. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2017). Peer needs analysis. English Teaching Professional, 113, 49-51. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2017). CAP - Context, analysis, practice: A lesson planning model for language teacher education. IATEFL Teacher Training and Education SIG Newsletter, Spring 2017, 15-18. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2016). Initial teacher training courses and non-native speaker teachers. ELT Journal, 70(3). 261-274. https://doi.org/10.1093/elt/ccv072
Anderson, J. (2016, November 10). What to consider when teaching English in large classes. British Council Voices. https://www.britishcouncil.org/voices-magazine/what-consider-when-teaching-english-large-classes
Anderson, J. (2016). Internet jigsaws. Modern English Teacher, 25(2), 38-40. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2016). Intentions and signposts. English Teaching Professional, 105, 4-6. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2016). A qualitative study into the role of initial teacher training courses in the professional development of experienced non-native speaker teachers of English. [Master’s thesis, King’s College London]. (First prize winner of the British Council ELT Master’s Dissertation Award 2017) https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/sites/teacheng/files/mda2017_winner_jason_anderson_king_s_college_london.pdf
Anderson, J. (2016). Why practice makes perfect sense: The past, present and future potential of the PPP paradigm in language teacher education. English Language Teaching Education and Development, 19(1), 14-22. http://www.elted.net/uploads/7/3/1/6/7316005/3_vol.19_anderson.pdf
Anderson, J. (2015). Teaching English in Africa. A guide to the practice of English language teaching. East African Educational Publishers. (Winner: British Council ELTON Award for local innovation 2016) (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2015). Affordance, learning opportunities and the lesson plan pro forma (Editor’s Choice). ELT Journal, 69(3), 228-238. https://doi.org/10.1093/elt/ccv008
Anderson, J. (2015). The uniqueness of gameplay. English Teaching Professional, 96, 4-6. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2015). Secrets and lies. Modern English Teacher, 24(3), 60-62. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2014). Speaking Games. Photocopiable Activities to Make Language Learning Fun. Delta Publishing/Ernst Klett Sprachen. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2006). Role Plays for Today: Photocopiable Activities to Get Students Speaking. Delta Publishing/Ernst Klett Sprachen. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Anderson, J. (2004). Teamwork: Interactive Tasks to Get Students Talking. Delta Publishing/Ernst Klett Sprachen. (click here)Link opens in a new window
Conference Attendance/Presentations
I have given over 100 talks to both teacher and academic audiences, both online and face-to-face. This includes invited plenary and keynote addresses at conferences in the UK (Regent University Future of ELT Conference, International House AMT Conference, Stafford House Annual Conference), India (both ELTAI and AINET National Conferences), Bolivia (ELT Nationwide Conference), Egypt (Pharos University), Israel (English Teachers' Association), Saudi Arabia (Saudi TESOL), Turkey (Ibn Haldun University) Ukraine (IATEFL Ukraine) as well as invited talks and keynotes for British Council, the KAASH Foundation, EFL University Hyderabad, Teaching House London, Delta Publishing, Teacher Development Webinars, and the National Academy of Primary Education Bangladesh among others. Please see my website, where I keep an updated list of talks, some of which are available online: http://www.jasonanderson.org.uk/talks.htmLink opens in a new window