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Professor Jo Angouri

Job Title
Applied Linguistics
+44(0)24 7615 1811
Web Link
Research Interests

My research sits at the interface of sociolinguistics, pragmatics and discourse analysis. I am committed to multidisciplinarity and my research interests include workplace interaction (corporate/health); multilingualism, diversity and migration and language and politics as well as future of research methodology. My current work includes three lines of enquiry: a) multidisciplinary projects on risk and leadership in complex professional settings-notably medical emergencies and pre-hospital care; b) future of education and transnational collaboration; c) multilingualism and language politics. I am co-directing two international research networks, one under the Warwick-Monash alliance on Migration Identity and Translation and one under AILA on Migrants in Working life which have brought together a range of established scholars, Early Career researchers as well as non-academic stakeholders.


I am currently the Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education and Internationalisation at the University of Warwick and I serve on the Education Executive. I work in close partnership with academic departments, Warwick's International Students' Office, Student mobility and the Students' Union. I lead on the Internationalisation of Education Strategy and the development of existing and new mobility schemes with strategic partners and on the intercultural experience on- and off-campus. I am a National Teaching Fellow and fully committed to pedagogic innovation and education for global citizenship. I have been appointed as the International Subject Chair for Linguistics, Language, Communication and Media on the Scopus board. I have always been fascinated by language and how we use language to 'do things'. I started my journey as a theoretical linguist interested primarily in syntax. Early in my career as an undergraduate student, however, I had the good fortune to read anthropology and philosophy. Both played an important role in my thinking in different ways. I turned to sociolinguistics and pragmatics. I received my PhD from the University of Essex and upon graduation I moved to Bristol for my first full time job with UWE's Bristol Centre for Linguistics. I spent five rewarding years in Bristol before joining the University of Warwick and the Centre for Applied Linguistics. I have been a visiting scholar in different institutions in New Zealand, Australia and Europe. I am a Visiting Distinguished Professor at Aalto University, School of Business, Finland and a Visiting Professor (Affiliate) at Monash University, Australia. I am the founding editor of the Multilingual Matters' Language at Work series and I am also co-editing Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture for John Benjamins.

Title Funder Award start Award end
999 R.E.S.P.O.N.D. [emerRgEncy diSPatch decisiONs in coviD-19] Welsh Government 01 Oct 2022 30 Sep 2024
Intercultural communication and adaptation in the British and Japanese construction industry British Academy 01 Oct 2015 30 Sep 2018

Policy paper The Guild

Policy paper The Guild2


Language, Migration and In/Exclusion in the Workplace








