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Dr. Christopher Strelluf

Job Title
Associate Professor
Applied Linguistics
0247 652 4929
Research Interests

I am a sociolinguist. I work primarily from variationist approaches. Most of my research has focused on describing varieties of English, and identifying changes in dialects resulting from a range of social and linguistic factors. My recent work has included a series of "historical sociophonetic" projects to use old speech recordings to test hypotheses about sound change which were constructed to explain present-day data, as well as editing the Routledge Handbook of Sociophonetics. Public engagement is important to my work, too. I am a Fellow in the Warwick Institute of Engagement, and frequently share knowledge about language and linguistics in media appearances, webinars, presentations, and other events. My engagement work also includes collaborations with Cockney Cultures to celebrate non-standard Englishes traditionally associated with East London and reduce language prejudice faced by speakers of these varieties, as well as collaborations across the EUTOPIA Alliance of universities to foster public engagement and impact. I am a Fellow of the EUTOPIA Young Leaders Academy. I am also a Senior Fellow of the United Kingdom Higher Education Academy. Due to my current responsibilities as Director of Undergraduate Studies as well as ongoing research and teaching commitments, I am generally unable to agree to new PhD supervisions at this time; I will only respond to expressions of interest for projects that are clearly and closely aligned with my prior publications.


I joined Warwick in 2017. I received my PhD in 2014 from the University of Missouri. I taught at the undergraduate and graduate levels in the United States from 2006 to 2017. I was also previously an officer in the United States Army.

The Origins of Missouri English


Speaking from the Heartland: the Midland Vowel System of Kansas City