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History of English Language Education in China – Resources

With funding from the A.S. Hornby Educational Trust, a project is underway to map and selectively digitize resources relevant to the history of English language education in China, as well as to promote research in this area. To this end, a group at the University of Warwick led by Prof. Richard Smith – the History of Language Learning and Teaching Research Circle – is compiling bibliographies and sourcing materials, including textbooks. We have already received important donations of materials from Bob Adamson and Simon Smith, as well as incorporating some materials from the existing Warwick ELT Archive collection. Resources will be added to this page as they become available for use in the project.



ELT textbooks before 1949 (in progress)Link opens in a new window

ELT textbooks for primary schools (1949 – 2000) (in progress)Link opens in a new window

ELT textbooks for middle schools (1949 – 2000) (in progress)Link opens in a new window



Books in the Warwick ELT Archive collectionLink opens in a new window