iMean 4 will host a number of panels such as:
From media ethnography to media linguistics: the added value of a multi- method of analysis of newsproduct and processes
Convenor: Marcel Burger
Craft and codification: Highlighting journalism practice to understand language ideologies
Colleen Cotter
Realist Social Theory in the Research of Newswriting
Aleksandra Gnach and Daniel Perrin
How and when is institutional authority questioned? Analysing metadialogues as a means to impact on journalistic practices
Marcel Burger and Laura Delaloye
Language in/as business
Convenors: Erika Darics and Louise Mullany
Professional Communication and Linguistics: a case of missed opportunity
Erika Darics
The impact of ‘consultancy’ on professional discourse and identity research
Louise Mullany
Authentication and denaturalization: Speaking like a flight attendant
Barbara Clark
Neural processing of plain and complex language: the impact on judgments of leaders
Ellen Hake
Seven Ways to Knit Your Portfolio: Is Investor Communication Neutral?
Cecilia Boggio
Im/politeness in Court: a case study of Penelope Soto
Convenors: Andrew Merrison and Jack Wilson
Discursive approaches to the analysis of politeness
Sara Mills
A Neo-Brown and Levinson Approach to Courtroom Data
Karen Grainger
Mediatising and evaluating politeness: a critical discourse analytic approach
Bethan Davies
The indexical scope of de Soto’s use of Adios: a relevance theoretical approach
Chris Christie
"We are not in a club now": A multimodal analysis of the co-construction of appropriate behaviour
Jack Wilson, Hazel Price and Andrew Merrison