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Pre-Conference workshops

iMean 4 will host three workshops/panels on the 8th of April:

Please note that the workshops are free for iMean delegates but places are limited and will be allocated on first come first served basis. Please contact the conveners by the 20th March.


10.30-12.30: What, where, when and how to publish: all you wanted to know and were afraid to ask


Conveners: Carolin Debray (University of Warwick) and Kyoungmi Kim (University of Warwick)

Shelley Benwell, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Rebecca Brennan, Palgrave Macmillan
Kim Eggleton, Multilingual Matters
John Eggleton, Research Media
Professor Miriam Locher, Basel University

The purpose of this workshop is to explore practices and processes for making research visible. This is an opportunity for early career researchers and doctoral students to learn more about research impact, dissemination and academic publication processes. The panellists are commissioning editors, senior academics and research dissemination experts.

This event is open to all iMean delegates and will be most applicable to researchers in the early post-doctoral stage of their career.

The workshop will debate issues such as:

Tips and strategies for novice researchers for getting papers accepted for publication? How can I find the right publishers? How do I know if a journal is ‘good’ for me? Are there any alternative routes to academic publishing? Is publishing at academic blogs a good idea (potential benefits/risks)? How can I get over the post-PhD vulnerability and how can I stay connected with academic writing? Is co-authoring always good? When is the ‘right’ time to start to publishing?

Expressions of interest should be directed to Kim and Carolin. Please email: AND 

13.30-15.30: Caring discourses and a discourse of caring

Conveners: Meredith Marra (Victoria University of Wellington), Joanne McDowell (University of Hertfordshire) and Mariana Lazzaro-Salazar (Universidad de Tarapaca)

Workplace discourse researchers are increasingly interested in healthcare contexts. Investigations of the language used by care workers (notably but not restricted to nurses) have regularly commented on the salience of their gender identities. In this workshop our goal is to challenge an assumption of feminised talk in favour of a lens which highlights the enactment of professional identity and a ‘discourse of caring’. In the data session participants will workshop authentic data recorded in Belfast (Northern Ireland) and Wellington (New Zealand). Together we will address the following questions aimed at problematising existing approaches and identifying potential differences and similarities across the datasets:

Are there any similarities across the data which would support the suggestion of a category of ‘caring discourse’?How useful is the construct of 'caring' in workplace discourse analysis? What identity work does ‘caring’ do? What role (if any) does gendered behaviour play in the enactment of caring? What differences can be identified between backstage (colleague to colleague) and frontstage (colleague to patient/resident) talk by the carers? How does negotiation between participants contribute to caring discourse? Is the discourse of caring restricted to certain professions?

The data session is open to all iMean 4 delegates. Expressions of interest should be directed to Meredith Marra Please email:


16.00-18.00: Language and Mobility/Language’s Mobility: Interdisciplinary Perspectives



Supported by the Warwick Connecting Cultures GRP

Conveners:Naomi Wells and Marco Santello (University of Warwick)

Confirmed Panellists:
Jo Angouri, University of Warwick
Mark Hinton, Community Engagement Officer
Loredana Polezzi, University of Warwick
Naomi Segal, Birkbeck, University of London
Shirin Ramzanali Fazel, Translingual writer

Transnational flows and accelerated mobility of objects and information are constantly under scrutiny as factors that shape new forms of language practices. Sociolinguistics constantly poses questions that engage with notions of superdiversity, hybridity, language ideologies, postnation and processes of globalization. What do other disciplines have to say about these notions? And to what extent do they relate to individuals who experience movement between languages in their everyday life, in their work as well as in their creative practices? The panel addresses these issues by opening a dialogue across disciplines and seeking to look beyond academic discourse. Contributors from social sciences, modern languages, translation studies, digital humanities, literary and cultural studies and linguistics will be invited to make a position statement and to establish in a dialogue with social workers and creative artists who live and work between languages.

Please email: AND




