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Research Strengths and Groups

Research Strengths

Research Stories

The way ahead is understanding the marginal gains of the language game

Dr Kieran File

Sport is all about teamwork, and teamwork is all about communication. Yet when we think about elite-level sports, we still focus primarily on the physical – the distances covered, the shots played, the tackles made. My work seeks to shine a light on the critical role that language can play to help athletes and teams get an edge on the competition.

The way ahead is seeing the bigger picture behind what we say and how we say it

Dr Christopher Strelluf

People often think that language is something that’s fixed. And when it comes to how we use it, there’s a common misconception that some things are inherently right or wrong, better or worse. My work highlights how language is really a reflection of ourselves as individuals, groups and societies – our beliefs, our experiences and our prejudices.

Research Groups

Warwick Interaction & Talk (WIT) Network

Established in 2023, Warwick Interaction & Talk (WIT) Network brings together researchers from various departments at the University of Warwick and Monash University, all united by a shared interest in spoken interaction. We work with all types of spoken language data (SLD), passionate about discussing, exploring, and innovating diverse research and analytical methods for SLD. During term time, we convene biweekly hybrid data sessions where we share noteworthy SLD transcripts, participate in open-ended discussions, and collaborate on analyses. These sessions also serve as a platform for demonstrating research methods and analytical practices related to SLD.

Sports Culture and Communication Research Collective

The Sports Culture and Communication Research Collective are investigating questions of language and communication in sport with the aim of improving how players, teams and coaches communicate because communication is fundamental to success in sport.

Languages in Coventry Research Group

The Languages in Coventry Research Group investigates language diversity, language use and language education in the Coventry area.