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Conference Programme

Conference Programme

A detailed conference programme with abstracts can be downloaded here (PDF Document)

Friday 4th March 2016: Aimed at teacher-researchers
9.00-10.00 Registration 

Welcome: setting the scene
Sue Johnston-Wilder, Clare Lee, Janet Goodall and Phil Dent

Mathematical resilience and Teaching for Mathematical Resilience
Parenting for Mathematical Resilience
Coaching for Mathematical Resilience

11.00-11.20 Coffee (Scarman Lounge)

Concurrent Session 1: Teaching for Mathematical Resilience
Session Chair: Clare Lee
Venue TBC

Alison Barnes: Perseverance in Mathematical
 (Word Document)

Sandra Quinn: Building Resilience through a growth mindset (Word Document)

Steve Russ and Heng Chonchaiya:
Blending Classroom and Computing Activities for Mathematical Resilience
by Making Construals

Concurrent Session 1: Coaching for Mathematical Resilience
Chair: David Sheffield
Venue TBC

Sue Johnston-Wilder: Coaching for Mathematical Resilience

Sarah Richards: Developing Growth Mindsets

Joyce Nyama: Student's perceptions of Mathematical Resilience

13.00-14.00 Lunch (Lakeview Restaurant)

Concurrent Session 2: Teaching for Mathematical Resilience
Session Chair: Sue Johnston-Wilder
Venue TBC

Andrew Croft: Talking to build mathematical resilience

Eleanor Willard: Number sense processing in
Adolescents: Affects on attitude
 (PDF Document)

Gaye Williams: Building Resilience to Improve
Mathematical Problem Solving

Concurrent Session 2: Teaching for Mathematical Resilience - Beyond School

Session Chair: Tom Hunt
Venue TBC

Meena Kotecha: Addressing Mathematics and Statistics Anxiety in Non-specialist University Students

Janine Brindley: Developing Mathematical Resilience with Student Teachers

15.30-15.50 Afternoon Tea (Scarman Lounge)

15.50 – 16.00


Plenary Sessions

Justine Mercer (UCU): From the Union point of view

16.00-16.30 Els De Geest (National Numeracy): Resourcefulness for mathematical resilience?


Saturday 5th March 2016: Aimed at people working in the wider community



Registration for day delegates

9.10 – 9.45 Plenary Session

Gaye Williams: Mathematical Resilience and related constructs around the World

9.45– 10.00


Concurrent Session 3
Mark Leadbetter:
Update on Teacher Toolkit for mathematical resilience
Concurrent Session 3
Shirley Conran: Title TBC

10.10 – 11.10


Concurrent Session 4: Teaching and parenting for mathematical resilience
Session Chair: Steve Pardoe
Venue TBC

Seliat Agboola: The Maths Pit

Peter Gilbride: Improving the Resilience of Students, Staff and Parents

Concurrent Session 4: The Psychological Aspects of Mathematical Resilience
Session Chair: Jane Marsh
Venue TBC

Tom Hunt and David Sheffield: Brief Interventions for Maths Anxiety

11.10 – 11.30


Coffee (Scarman Lounge)


11.30 – 1.00


Concurrent Session 5: Parenting for mathematical resilience
Session Chair: Els de Geest
Venue TBC

Tim Jay: Workshops for parents of primary age pupils

Katie Baker: Teaching parenting for Mathematical Resilience

Rosemary Russell: Parenting for Mathematical Resilience – how do we engage parents?

Concurrent Session 5: Working to develop Mathematical Resilience in Further Education
Session Chair: Karen Walker
Venue TBC

Steve Pardoe and Jane Marsh: The challenge of Mathematical Resilience is Further Education

Marie Szyndler: Why do need to change the Mathematics Culture in

13.00 – 13:45


Lunch (Lakeview Restaurant)


13:45 – 14:45


Concurrent Session 6: Developing mathematical resilience
Session Chair: Mark Leadbetter
Venue TBC

Clare Lee: How do people develop mathematics anxiety?

Chris Chisholm: Strategies for developing Mathematical Resilience

Concurrent Session 6: Action for Mathematical Resilience
Session Chair: Sue Johnston-Wilder
Venue TBC

Gaye Williams: Identifying Resilience Through Talk and Actions

Shirley Conran: Maths Action

14:45 - 15:45

Plenary Session
Session Chair: Clare Lee
Venue TBC

Steve Chinn: Title TBC

15.45 – 16:00


Afternoon Tea (Scarman Lounge)


16:00 - 16:30


Plenary and question time

Tim Jay, Janet Goodall, Steve Chinn