CES PG Conference 2018
Keynote Speaker:
Professor Geoff Lindsay
Professor Lindsay has been Director of CEDAR since 1999. Before joining Warwick in 1995 he was Principal Educational Psychologist of the Sheffield Psychological Service. He is a past President of the British Psychological Society and for many years led the BPS's initiative to secure the statutory regulation of psychologists. He was the Convener of the Standing Committee on Ethics of the European Federation of Psychologists Associations 1999-2009. He is Specialist Adviser to the House of Commons Select Committee on Education for its consideration of the Bill which subsequently became the Children & Families Act, 2014. His current research includes the evaluation of 'A Better Start', the 'Early Intervention Foundation' and of the Review of arrangements for Disagreement Resolution' (SEND).
For more info click here.
The details of the conference are:
Date: 5th May 2018
Time: 9am to 5pm
Location: Social Science Building, University of Warwick
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"Education in Unequal Societies", University of Warwick, 2018.