Education Studies Postgraduate Research Conference 2023

The 10th Education Studies PGR Conference offers a dynamic and engaging environment for postgraduate researchers to present and discuss their research. The conference is open to researchers at all stages of their programme and welcomes presenters from a variety of disciplines whose research and experiences of research connect with education in its broadest sense.
This year's conference theme is 'Education: Participation, Learning, and Practice' and offers an opportunity to explore the ways in which participation in (and exclusion from) practices of learning and education can come to shape the world we live in. Our keynote speakers have been invited to reflect on different facets of this.
For those wishing to present at the conference, we look forward to receiving abstracts that engage with education in all its forms. Therefore, researchers are encouraged to submit abstracts irrespective of their relevance to this broader theme. As a guide, we have listed some possible related sub-themes on this page, but submissions that focus on other areas connected with education are welcome. We invite you to reflect on the ways in which both you and your research contribute to the richness and diversity of our collective postgraduate community, be this through book or literature review, reflections on the research process, methodology, theory, or presentation of research.
This is primarily an online event that will take place over two half-days, 21st & 22nd April 2023, and attendance is open to taught or research postgraduate students as well as the broader academic community. There will be renowned keynote speakers, presentations, discussions, and question-and-answer sessions. This year, several academic researchers will be attending, offering feedback, and taking part in the plenary panel. The conference is FREE to attend and registration to attend can be found in the links below and at the top of this page. (N.B., all are welcome to attend; you do not have to be a postgraduate student to attend the conference).
For postgraduates who aim to present at the conference, abstracts should be submitted by 13th March 2023. If you would like advice or support on presenting or are unsure whether you are at a stage where you are ready to present, please do get in touch via our conference email and we would be happy to discuss how we can support you with this. Similarly, if you are aware of or concerned about any barriers to participation, please do get in touch. As has happened at previous Warwick conferences, we are paying particular attention to equality and diversity issues, and we are using evidence-based guidance to produce an inclusive conference, within our means.
Keynote Speakers
Presenting on Friday: | |
Rebecca MorrisLink opens in a new windowDepartment of Education, University of Warwick |
Julia BadgerLink opens in a new windowDepartment of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford & CEDAR, University of Warwick |
Presenting on Saturday: | |
Nadia SiddiquiLink opens in a new windowSchool of Education, Durham University |
Aimee DurningLink opens in a new windowUniversity of Cambridge School & The Teaching Assistant Network Hub |
Follow us on Twitter: @WarwickESConfLink opens in a new window
Conference Committee
Conference Dates:
Friday 21st April - Saturday 22nd April 2023
Friday 21st April 2023 (1200 - 1700 GMT)
Saturday 22nd April 2023 (0900 - 1300 GMT)
Online (via Microsoft Teams)
Abstract Submission Deadline:
13th March 2023 (2359 GMT)
Abstract Sub-themes:
- Childhood and early years
- Curriculum, assessment and pedagogy
- Educational effectiveness and improvement
- Educational leadership
- Educational policy
- Globalisation and international perspectives
- Health, wellbeing and education
- Higher and further education
- Inclusive education and SEND
- Language and literacy
- Post-compulsory and lifelong learning
- Practitioner research
- Race, equity and social justice
- Religion, values and education
- Research methodology in education
- Researcher experiences and auto-ethnography
- Science, educational technology and mathematics
- Sexualities and gender
- Social theory, philosophy and education
- Sustainability and education
- Teacher education and development
- Other fields