The new youth sector assemblage
Dr Ian McGimpsey
Lecturer in the School of Education at the University of Birmingham
Wednesday 23rd November 2016, 2-3pm
Venue: S1.50 (Faculty Hub), Social Sciences Building
The language of austerity has been widely used to characterize policy-making in post-industrial nations since the financial crisis. Youth services in England are a noted example of the effects of austerity, having suffered extraordinarily rapid and severe cuts following a period of record investment prior to 2008. I argue that ‘austerity’ is an inadequate conceptual basis for critical analysis of policy-making in the phase since 2008, and that youth services are an exemplar case of the reforming effects of a ‘late neoliberal regime’. The late neoliberal regime describes a regulation of production through a finance capital imaginary, as distinct from the productive capital imaginary of the neoliberal regime. I argue that this regime can be understood to effect simultaneously the disassembly of the neoliberal youth services assemblage and the emergence of a new youth sector assemblage founded on norms of investment and return. I trace the effects of this regime through the productive relations of capital distributions, policy discourse, and organizational forms.
This seminar is co-hosted by the Centre for Education Studies and the Sociology Department.
About Ian McGimpsey:
Ian is Lecturer in Education at the School of Education, University of Birmingham. Following ten years professional experience in youth services, community organising, and education policy, his research has focused on how policy relates to educational provision particularly for marginalised young people. His work has a conceptual focus on assemblage and the politics of subjectivity.