Joyce Nyama
Welcome to my ePortfolio
My name is Joyce Nyama and I have just submitted my PhD thesis studied through the Centre for Education Studies in the Mathematics Education department. My supervisors are Sue Johnston-Wilder (University of Warwick) and Dr. Nicholas Lee (University of Warwick).
My research interests are in experiences, emotions and subjective views that impact on stances taken by learners in their mathematics education journey in general but looking at 'mathematical resilience' in particular. I am exploring the subjective views of students on the construct of mathematical resilience using the Q Methodology. Mathematical resilience is a term coined by my supervisor Sue Johnston-Wilder (and Clare Lee) that is used to describe a learner's action/reaction and navigation of their mathematical learning journey. This construct has recently experienced a surge in interest and this research aims to add to the growing literature on it. However, Q Methodology (even though it was developed in the 1930s) has not been as widely used and certainly not been used in this area of mathematical resilience.
This research will take me on a journey of exploration and discovery.
Other information:
- I am a member of the BSRLM and attended the last conference on the 8th November 2014 and 8th November 2015.
- Attended and presented at the 'Promoting Mathematical Resilience' Conference 4th-5th March 2016.
- I attended and presented at the BCME 9 Conference 2018
- I have attended and presented at the BSRLM 2019 Conference.
- I have a phd blog

Joyce Nyama
J dot Nyama at warwick dot ac dot uk