ePortfolio of Akmarzhan Nogaibayeva
Welcome to my ePortfolio
I am undertaking a full-time PhD at Warwick University which was funded by the Bolashak International Scholarship. My study began in October 2017 and is anticipated to complete for September 2021.
My doctoral research is supervised by Dr.Michael Hammond in the department of CES.
My current research focuses on language teachers use or do not use ICT in teaching and learning in a HE setting. I am particularly interested in language teachers' perception of ICT use, enabling, and disabling factors along with the consequences of their ICT take-up. Before starting my postgraduate studies, I did my master`s thesis on IT in higher education. As a consequence, I started using technologies in my teaching and my eagerness to know how and why ICT is used or not used at the university became the reason for my PhD study.
PhD Title:
Why do language teachers use/do not use ICT in Higher Education in Kazakhstan: a mixed research study of ICT use in a single university.
Papers publications, proceedings, and conferences:
- Why do language teachers use/do not use ICT in teaching and learning in Higher Education in Kazakhstan: a mixed research study of language teachers in a single University. In STORIES Conference: INCLUSIVITY: Mental health/ Access/ Accountability (2019). University of Oxford, United Kingdom.
- Why do language teachers use/do not use ICT in teaching and learning in Higher Education in Kazakhstan: a mixed research study of language teachers in single University. In 7th CES Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Conference: ‘Education, Wellbeing, and Inclusion’ (CESPG, 2019), University of Warwick, United Kingdom.
- Why do language teachers use/do not use ICT in teaching and learning in Higher Education in Kazakhstan: a mixed research study of language teachers in single University. In the Kaleidoscope 2019 Conference “Crossroads in Education: How do theory, policy, and practice intersect around the globe?”, at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge
- Why do language teachers use/do not use ICT in teaching and learning in Higher Education in Kazakhstan: a mixed research study of language teachers in single University in the 22nd Warwick International Conference in Applied Linguistics (WICAL, 2019). University of Warwick, United Kingdom.
Personal Development
- Certificate of attendance in 5th Research Forum for Central Asia (2018)
- Certificate of participation in The International Academic Forum: The European Conference on Language Learning (ECLL2019) organized by the International Academic Forum (IOFAR)in association with the Research Center at Osaka University.
- Certificate of completion -Intercultural Training Programme: “Intercultural Awareness”
and “Intercultural Competence”, the programme introduced participants to the fundamentals of intercultural communication and provides them with transferable skills for future work in an intercultural context. Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL, 2019). University of Warwick, United Kingdom. - Postgraduate Certificate in Transferable Skills in Science: Communicating Science to Different Audiences. In the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine (2019), University of Warwick, United Kingdom.
- Certificate of completion women’s development programme for postgraduates SPRINT, organized by springboard consultancy (2019) University of Warwick, United Kingdom.
- Certificate of Attendance in 4th Warwick Islamic Summer School: Pedagogies in Dialogue: Engaging traditions of human formation n educational cultures of Islam and the West (2019), University of Warwick, United Kingdom.
- Certificate of attendance 5th CLIL Symposium on building bridges between content and language, organized by the TESOL Italy Val d’Adige-Etschtal Local Group (2020), Trento University, Italy.
- Certificate of completion: "How to be a critical reader". Open University (21 June 2020).
- Member of the PGR conference committee in 7th CES Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Conference: ‘Education, Wellbeing, and Inclusion’ (CESPG, 2019), University of Warwick, United Kingdom.
- 27-29 August (2019) - Part of the organising committee for the 4th Warwick Islamic Summer School: Pedagogies in Dialogue: Engaging traditions of human formation n educational cultures of Islam and the West, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
- 05 June (2020)- Organiser of the webinar on Key Concepts of the affective domain of mathematics education with Aïcha Hadji-Sonni supported by Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Almaty, Kazakhstan.
- 09 June (2020) - Organiser of the webinar on Applying critical thinking skills with Nur Afiqah Ab Pahman (PhD) supported by Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
2018-2021 Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE)
2017-2021 British Educational Research Association (BERA)
2020-2021 British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL)
2019-2020 The International Academic Forum (IAFOR)
2018-2020 The Kazakhstan PhD Association in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Akmarzhan Nogaibayeva
Please email me to organise office hours
PhD Candidate in Education
Supervisor: Dr. Michael Hammond
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Read my academic blog on Literature reviews and how to do them: an SRHE webinar in the time of Corona