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Aïcha Hadji-Sonni


I'm a final year, full-time doctoral student in the Centre for Education Studies at the University of Warwick, UK.

I am also a postgraduate mentor at the University of Warwick and an associate fellow of the HEA.

My research interest is the affective domain of mathematics education.

PhD title



Sue Johnston-Wilder

Judith Everington

Academic studies

I studied mathematics and computer science at Paris 7 and Paris 9, France.

I hold an Master ’s degree in mathematics and computer science at Paris 7, France.

I hold an Master ’s degree in mathematics education at Paris 12, France.

I learnt didactics of mathematics at University Paris 7, France.

I passed the mathematics CAPES competition (Secondary School Teaching Certificate) in France.

I completed a University Diploma in Cognitive Analysis of Learning Technics from Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, France.

I hold a diploma of Coaching from University of Warwick, UK.

I hold a Certificate of Mindfulness at the University of Warwick, UK

I have completed the APP PGR programme at the University of Warwick, UK.

I have passed modules at the University of Oxford, UK (Writing for children, Existential therapy, Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy, School counselling)


British Society of Research on Learning Mathematics

Association for Coaching

Other skills

Neuro Linguistic Programming Master practitioner

Positive Discipline facilitator

Understand your child's behavior facilitator

Empowering Parents Empowering Community Parent Group Leader

Bach Flower Remedy Registered Practitioner


To develop self-efficacy, improve mathematical resilience and reduce mathematical anxiety.

Work involving students:

I was a postraduate peer-to-peer assistant and lead co-coaching for academic resilience.

I was tutor of the Warwick Online Learning Certificate at the University of Warwick, UK.

I was a teaching assistant of philosophy of education at the University of Warwick, UK.

I was a mathematics Lecturer at Solihull College, UK.

I am a teacher of mathematics in secondary in France and I provided one-to-one support and group workshops:

- « self-efficacy workshops » for secondary students at school, library and associations in France.

- « Mathematical resilience workshops » for year 6 students in Solihull, UK.

Work involving parents:

« How to develop my child’s self efficacy? » workshops at school and in associations in France

Understand your child's behavior facilitator in Solihull, UK.

Work involving teachers:

Secondary school teacher of mathematics in Paris, France.

Workshop co-animation: Journées de l’apprentissage, ENS Cachan 2015, France

Seminar presentation: Journées nationales de l'APMEPLink opens in a new window, Bordeaux 2018, France

Teacher trainings: Developing mathematical resilience in secondary schools, Academie de Creteil, France

Webinar presentation: Key Concepts of the affective domain of mathematics educationLink opens in a new window, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan.


Committee member and presentation of a poster Developing mathematical resilience while addressing mathematics anxiety" at the 9th Annual Education Studies Postgraduate Research Conference 2022: "Education, Conflict and Displacement", University of Warwick, UK

Chair and presentation of a paper "Developing mathematical resilience in disadvantaged areas in France" at the ESRC Midlands Graduate School Conference 2021, University of Birmingham, UK

Presentation of a paper "Developing mathematical resilience while addressing mathematics anxiety" at the New Researchers Day and Summer Conference 2021, British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, UK

Presentation of a paper,"Developing mathematical resilience in disadvantaged areas in France" at STORIES 2021, annual conference: " Resilience, Resistance, Reflexivity" the Department of Education, University of Oxford, UK

Volunteering and presentation of a paper,"Developing mathematical resilience in disadvantaged areas in France" at the 8th Annual Education Studies Postgraduate Research Conference 2021: "Frontiers of education and activism", University of Warwick, UK

Presentation of a poster,"Mathematical resilience through mathematical well-being at 7th Annual Education Studies Postgraduate Research Conference 2019: ‘Education, Wellbeing, and Inclusion’, University of Warwick, UK

research poster

Aïcha Hadji-Sonni

aicha dot hadji-sonnil at warwick dot ac dot uk