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Proposal check list

Front cover:

name on front cover, course, Title of project, Date submitted


Introduction ? background eg Statement of the issue, why your interest, what the literature says, what issues arise in the literature

Aims and objectives

Statement on methods/approaches to be used: data to be collected; Limitations and resources




Make sure you have someone else read your proposal before submitting it and check your grammar and spelling.

Remember the proposal is a formative document giving you an opportunity to reflect and plan ahead, submitting it on time gives us more time to match you with an appropriate supervisor. You might like to read these guidelines alongside those on supervision in your booklet. You might also want to explore the vast range of resources within WWW for developing research projects. Finally pay close attention to details about plagarism within the course handbook as well ethical issues - for example look at guidelines at BERA and remind yourself of institute guidelines too..