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Ahmad Akkad

MA Global Education and International Development

Ahmad has taken the module 'Enacting Global Education and International Development' where students complete a placement. Ahmad did his placement at The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU).

Not only did this module complement my understanding of the theories and approaches that I learned in the core module of ‘’ Understanding Global Education and International Development ‘’, but it has given me a unique opportunity to apply this knowledge on ground at one of the most prestigious academic places in the UK; The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) which is based in London.

I have expanded my knowledge about education policy and work-related policies. I am working now on a project held at a Malaysian University in cooperation with the ACU, and I will produce a policy report on this project at the end of my placement for potential development.

This module has also equipped me with the skills needed for future employment. Having a professional placement at the ACU will make me stand out among others when applying for a job. A CV with such an experience makes it stronger as it shows my work at an international organisation with professional people.

My heart-felt thanks go to the Centre for Education Studies for being supportive throughout my educational journey. If I had the opportunity to retake the same course, I would not hesitate to do so! I highly recommend this module to all the prospective students.
