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Warwick based learning with ICT

The Learning and Information and Communications Technology module is based on the premise that teachers should be expert in the field of learning and that ICT has the potential to enhance learning. From this starting point, we aim to re-visit the basics of learning theory, both old, and newer, and relate this to ICT use. The module is essentially about learning, set in the context of ICT and how learning can be integrated with planning for ICT use that is more than a way of satisfying the requirement to make use of new technologies in teaching.

The aims of this module are to:

i) introduce students to learning theory as it relates to the use of ICT in schools;

ii) allow students to consider, in detail, the appropriateness of particular branches of theory to the way that pupil activity with new technologies, are planned and presented to pupils across the phases of education and across a range of subjects;

iii) introduce students to the wealth of high quality research concerning the use of ICT in schools which has been amassed over recent years.

All of these aims, when achieved, will contribute to the students’ broader understanding of the place of ICT in education and allow them to develop further as reflective practitioners, with a well developed sense of the underpinning theory and practice of education with particular reference to the use of ICT, which is a mandatory element of the statutory curriculum in this country and further afield. We am to help students to be in a position where they are able to improve their use of ICT in their teaching with a view to enhancing the learning of their pupils.

By the end of the module you should:

  • have a basic knowledge and understanding of the major theories relating to children’s learning; in particular a knowledge and understanding of the cognitive theories of learning, and the ways in which cognitive theory can be applied to learning which is mediated through the use of new technologies.
  • be able to apply knowledge of learning theory, in a general way, to teaching situations which make use of new technologies.
  • have an understanding of the ways in which the well planned interactive use of ICT can impact on children’s learning.

Synopsis of the module content:

  • Introduction to theories of learning; focusing on cognitive models with particular reference to teaching and learning in association with the use of ICT;
  • Overview of the entitlement of pupils to access to the use of ICT to further their learning, across a range of subjects, and across age phases.
  • Investigation of the ways in which ICT use can support learning with particular reference to what is known about learning;
  • Examination of both landmark and recent research studies relating to the use made of ICT and a consideration of the findings in relation to enhancing pupil learning;
  • Opportunities for practical work with a range of software, internet applications and peripheral devices

The assignment takes the form of a 5000 words essay.

The topic will be negotiated with your tutor.

For information regarding presentation and submission of assignment, please see the Handbook for Graduate Students: Taught Masters Courses.

To submit your assignment, please follow the link e-submission