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The first session introduced the aims of the course and introduced the idea of communicating with technology and the different types of communication that technology supports. We discussed the kinds of activity which technology allows for example access to multi media; access to unbounded resources as well as the opportunity to feel some professional pride in products.

We then looked at the use of blogging in school - both primary and secondary examples. You can access more on this via the Think Piece on communicating - this page includes the films both of which you should view again.

Here is the first handout [first handout]. For homework read the article by Chen Fao Hao, link here

Hao, Chen Fao (2010) A comparative study of collaborative learning in Paper Scribbles and Group Scribbles: potential benefits of such use?, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 26(5), 659-674.

There is here are further article on online discussion in school:

Coffin, C.; North, S.; Martin, D. (2009) Exchanging and countering points of view: a linguistic perspective on school students' use of electronic conferencing, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 25, 1, pp. 85-98.

which you can access at

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