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To prepare for this session you may want to look at the suggested Powerpoint [ppt] and you will want to look at the section on learning theory in the Think Aloud resources as well as the pages on programming.

Here too is the handout to do with the assignment.

For homework:

Read the second part of the paper

Johannesen, M. and Habib, L. (2010) The role of professional identity in patterns of use of multiple-choice assessment tools, Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 19, 1, 93-109

Describe how the approach to learning differed between the three faculties and which if any had the more flexible approach to ICT. Blog these and any other thoughts.

Further resources

I have further linked to some of examples in which learning theory tends to underlie the design of an application of e learning. You may want to look at:

An example of more 'associationist / behaviourist' pedagogy

Pi-Hua, T. (2006) Bridging pedagogy and technology: User evaluation of pronunciation oriented CALL software Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
2006, 22(3), 375-397

An example of using technology to aid cognitive understanding

Neumann, D. , Neumann, M. and Hood, M.(2011) Evaluating computer-based simulations, multimedia and animations that help integrate blended learning with lectures in first year statistics, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 27, 2, 274 - 289.

And an example of a more situational approach

Weaver, D., Viper, S., Latter, J. and McIntosh, P.(2006) Off campus students' experiences collaborating online, using wikis, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 26, 6, 847 - 860.