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Mathematical Resilience Network

The Mathematical Resilience Network was launched in 2022 at the Third International Conference on Developing Mathematical Resilience with the intention of supporting academic and practitioner research that uses the Mathematical Resilience Framework in addressing mathematics anxiety.

Our first task was to prepare the conference papers and publish these. Our second task is to put the conference presentations, together with other video resources, on a YouTube website. We will then produce a newsletter. We have prepared a book - The Mathematical Resilience Book - published June 2024. We are developing a Mathematical Resilience Network website.

We have a Mathematical Resilience website where we collect resources, we have a Facebook page for chat, and we have a mailing list. To join the mailing list please email: sue dot johnston-wilder at warwick dot ac dot uk We have emergent branches in Brazil, France, Ireland, Kenya, Turkey, South Africa, UK, USA, and Zambia, where colleagues are working positively with maths anxiety, and new members from China and Georgia.

Current Network committee:

Allison Dillard (USA); Aicha Hadji-Sonni (France); Sue Johnston-Wilder; Clare Lee; Harrison Njaru Mbogo (Kenya); Brighton Mudadigwa (South Africa); Telma Para (Brazil); Rosemary Russell (parents); Maria Ryan & Julie Crowley (Ireland); Ben Sinclair (schools); Masha Symondson (FE)

The Turkish Branch is developing a new psychoeducational programme of 10 sessions to address Maths Anxiety, incorporating the tools of the Mathematical Resilience Framework.

The Brazilian Branch Link opens in a new windowis working on 1:1 interventions.

The South African Branch is working on interventions with teaching pre-service teachers, joined by a colleague from Zambia.

The Irish BranchLink opens in a new window held a one day workshop on 9th March 2024: From maths anxiety to mathematical resilience: a workshop for second level teachers and support staff.