Doctoral students
Doctoral Students (supervisors in brackets)
- David Brown (Janet Goodall and David Wray) – The Capacity for School Improvement/Organisational Change.
- Carol Charnley (Ian Abbott) – The role of reflective practice in the professional education and development of undergraduate pre-registration children's nurses
- Jacqueline Dynes (Ian Abbott and Prue Huddleston) - Education and the economy: policy analysis 1980 - 2005
- Veronique Figaro (Tony Bush) – Accountability of Primary Schools in Seychelles
- Perry Gardner (Ian Abbott and Denis Gleeson) - The nature, direction and extent of change in the professional identity reported by teachers in a further education college over the first two years of the introduction of training and accreditation leading to Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills status and the implications of those changes for leadership, management teaching and learning, training and development
- Paul Illingworth (Ian Abbott) – Development and application of problem-based learning approach to specific subject areas for interagency professional education in the UK public sector.
- Jenny Ingram (Mary Briggs and Peter Johnston-Wilder) – Mathematics teachers’ use of questions and how teachers. How do their questions change when they reflect on their practice?
- Theophilus Itaman (Ian Abbott) – Leadership and School Improvement in the Nigerian Education System: The Case of Edo State
- Maria Kambouri (Mary Briggs and Michael Cassidy) –Teacher’s views about children’s ideas/misconceptions related to science and whether and how teachers take account of these in their planning and teaching.
- Sherley Marie (Tony Bush) – Induction of Newly Qualified Teachers in Seychelles
- John Lusingu (Tony Bush) – Decentralisation in Tanzania: Impact on Rural Primary Schools
- Terence Pearson (Ian Abbott) - FE curriculum reform
- Liander Taylor (Ian Abbott and Denis Gleeson) - The effectiveness of Group work in Higher Education in preparing students for work
- Lambri Trisokka (Tony Bush) – Leadership Behaviour of Cypriot Primary School Headteachers and Teachers’ Job Satisfaction
- David Williams (Ian Abbott) – What has been the impact of re-sitting AS level examinations in economics and business studies in a boys’ independent school in the West Midlands
- Alexandra Zaoura (Janet Goodall and Carol Aubrey) - Parental involvement in Cypriot Primary Schools
- Maria Kaparou, (Tony Bush) Instructional Leadership in England and Greece
- Henry Koge (Tony Bush), Teacher Job Satisfaction in Cameroon
- Maria Karamanidou (Tony Bush), Barriers to Women's Leadership in Cypriot Primary Schools
- Caroline Montgomery, (Janet Goodall and Mary Briggs), Parental Involvement (Frome)