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virtual reality

Robert O'Toole has been working with the VR expert (and Warwick alumnus) Catherine Allen to design a series of small workshops. Catherine produced the VR experience "Easter Rising: Voice of a Rebel" for the BBC, which was one of the first serious VR productions to explore history, memory and experience, using the very latest technologies and an aesthetics inspired by fine art (rather than computer games). He personally found the experience to be quite extraordinary and thought provoking. We have a small project exploring the potential of virtual reality in learning and teaching. We are now preparing to run a series of workshops for Warwick academics and students. The sessions begin with a "curated" VR experience, followed by a facilitated discussion. This is both an opportunity to experience high quality VR, and an opportunity to contribute to our research into the potential of the new medium.

You can watch a 2D trailer for Easter Rising on YouTube:

Here you can find a report from Robert about the presentation.