Prof. Pia Christensen's publications
Christensen P, James A. (eds) Research with Children: Perspectives and Practices. London: RoutledgeFalmer. Second edition 2008
Christensen P, James A. Investigacao com Criancas: Perspectivas e Práticas. Porto: Escola Superior de Educacáo de Paula Frassinetti 2005.
Christensen P, O’Brien M (eds) Children in the City: home, neighbourhood and community. London: RoutledgeFalmer 2003.
Christensen P, James A. (eds) Research with Children: Perspectives and Practices. London: Falmer Press, First edition 2000.
Christensen P. Place, Space and Knowledge: Children in the Village and the City (reprinted). In: Lingard, B., Nixon, J. and Ranson, S (eds) (2008) Transforming Learning in Schools and Communities: the remaking of education for cosmopolitan society, London: Continuum 2008.
Christensen P, Prout A. Anthropological and Sociological Perspectives on the Study of Children’. In Greene S.M, Hogan D.M. (eds) Researching Children’s Experiences: approaches and methods, London: Sage 2005.
Christensen, P., Prout, A. Children, Place, Space and Generation. In Mayall, B., Zeiher, H. (eds) Childhood in Generational Perspective, London: Institute of Education 2003.
Christensen P, Kindheit und die kulturelle Konstitution verletzlicher Körper. In Hengst H, Kelle H. (eds) Kinder, Körper, Identitäten: Theoretische und empirirische Annäherungen an kulturelle Praxis und sozialen Wandel. Juventa Verlag: Weinheim und München 2003.
Christensen P, O’Brien M. Introduction. New Perspectives on Children in the City. In Christensen P, O’Brien M. (eds) Children in the City: Home, Neighbourhood and Community. London: RoutledgeFalmer 2002.
Christensen P. Place, Space and Knowledge: Children in the Village and the City. In Christensen P, O’Brien M.(eds) Children in the City: Home, Neighbourhood and Community. London: RoutledgeFalmer 2002.
Christensen P, James A, Jenks C. ”All We needed to do was to blow the Whistle”: Children's embodiment of Time. In Cunningham-Burley S, Backett-Milburn K. (eds) Exploring the Body. London: Palgrave 2001.
Christensen P, James A. What are schools for? The temporal experience of schooling. In Alanen L, Mayall B. (eds) Conceptualising child-adult relations. London: RoutledgeFalmer 2001.
Christensen P, Hockey J, James A. Talk, Silence and the Material World: Patterns of indirect communication among agricultural families in Northern England. In Hendry J, Walker A. (eds) An Anthropology of Indirect Communication, ASA Monograph Series 37, 2001.
Christensen P. Etik og taktik i forskning med børn (Ethics and Tactics in Research with Children). In Schultz Jørgensen P, Kampman J. (eds) Børn som Informanter (Children as Informants). København: Børnerådet (Copenhagen: The Children’s Council) 2000.
Christensen P. Childhood and the Cultural Constitution of Vulnerable Bodies. In Prout A.(ed) The Body, Childhood and Society. London: Macmillan 2000.
Christensen P, James A. Childhood Diversity and Commonality: Some methodological insights. In Christensen P, James A (eds) Research with Children: Perspectives and Practices. London: Falmer Press 2000 (2008 2nd. Edition).
Christensen P, James A. Researching Children and Childhood: Cultures of Communication. In Christensen P, James A. (eds) Research with children: Perspectives and Practices, London: Falmer Press 2000.
Christensen P, James A, Jenks C. Home and Movement: children constructing family time. In Holloway S, Valentine G. (eds) Children's Geographies: living, playing and transforming everyday worlds. London: Routledge 2000.
Christensen P, Hockey J, James A. “That's farming, Rosie”: Power and Familial Relations in Agricultural community. In Seymour J, Baggeley P. (eds) Relating Intimacies: Power and Resistance. London: Macmillan 1999.
Christensen P, Hockey J, James A. “You just get on with it”: Questioning Welfare Dependency in a Rural Community In Edgar,I and A. Russell (eds) Anthropology and Welfare, London and New York: Routledge 1998.
Christensen P. Difference and Similarity: How Children are constituted in illness and its treatment. Hutchby I, Moran-Ellis J.(eds): Children and Social Competence: Arenas of Action. London: Falmer Press 1998.
Refereed Papers
Christensen, P., Mikkelsen, MK. Is children’s independent mobility really independent? Mobilities. 2009, vol. 4 (1): 37-58.
Christensen P. Lykke, K and Rewentlow,S. ‘This is not normal …’ Signs that make the GP question the child’s well-being. Journal of Family Practice. 2008.
Christensen P. and Mikkelsen, MR. Jumping off and being careful: Children’s strategies of risk management in everyday life. Sociology of Health and Illness 2008 vol.30 (1):112-130.
Christensen P. Nørgård MH. Brunsø, K. Mikkelsen, MR. Children’s influence on and participation in the family decision-making process during food buying. Young Consumers 2007 vol.8 (3): 197-218.
Christensen P. Jørgensen MH., Curtis T., Grønbæk M. Teenagernes egen alkoholforebyggelse: en etnografisk undersøgelse. Secondary publication. Ugeskrift for Læger 2007 169 (41): 3495 – 3497.
Christensen P. and Jørgensen MH., Curtis,T.,Grønbæk M. Harm minimization among teenage drinkers: findings from an ethnographic study on teenage alcohol use in a rural Danish community. Addiction 2007 vol. 102 (4): 554–559.
Christensen P. The Health Promoting Family - a conceptual framework for future research. Social Science and Medicine 2004 vol.59 (2): 377-387.
Christensen P. Children’s Participation in Ethnographic research: issues of power and representation. Children and Society 2004 vol. 18: 165-176.
Christensen, P. Børn, mad og daglige rutiner. Barn 2003 2-3:119-135.
Christensen P. Er mere tid med familien løsningen? Hvad siger børn? Dansk Sociologi 2003; 14(2):60-74
Christensen P, Prout A. Working with Ethical Symmetry in Social Research with Children. Childhood: A Global Journal of Child Research 2002; 9(4): 477-497.
Christensen P Why more ‘Quality Time’ is not on the top of Children’s lists. Children and Society 2002; 16:1-12.
Christensen P. ”It hurts”: Children's cultural learning about health and illness. Etnofoor, Kids & Culture. (Journal of Anthropology. Special issue) Holland 1999; 12(1): 39-53.
Christensen P. Sårbare kroppe - om den sociale og kulturelle konstituering af børns sårbarhed. (Vulnerable Bodies – on the social and cultural constitution of children’s vulnerability) Børn. Tidskriftet Antropologi (Journal of Anthropology. Special issue on the Anthropology of Children).1998; 38:79-94.
Christensen P, Hockey J, James A. Depending on the field...? The natural history of a research project. Anthropology Today, 1997; 13: 2.
Christensen P, Hockey J, James A . ‘You have neither neighbours nor privacy’ on the emotional wellbeing of women in a farming community Sociological Review 1997; 45 (4): 621-645.