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Prof. Pia Christensen's publications



  • Christensen P, James A. (eds) Research with Children: Perspectives and Practices. London: RoutledgeFalmer. Second edition 2008
  • Christensen P, James A. Investigacao com Criancas: Perspectivas e Práticas. Porto: Escola Superior de Educacáo de Paula Frassinetti 2005.
  • Christensen P, O’Brien M (eds) Children in the City: home, neighbourhood and community. London: RoutledgeFalmer 2003.
  • Christensen P, James A. (eds) Research with Children: Perspectives and Practices. London: Falmer Press, First edition 2000.


  • Christensen P. Place, Space and Knowledge: Children in the Village and the City (reprinted). In: Lingard, B., Nixon, J. and Ranson, S (eds) (2008) Transforming Learning in Schools and Communities: the remaking of education for cosmopolitan society, London: Continuum 2008.

  • Christensen P, Prout A. Anthropological and Sociological Perspectives on the Study of Children’. In Greene S.M, Hogan D.M. (eds) Researching Children’s Experiences: approaches and methods, London: Sage 2005.

  • Christensen, P., Prout, A. Children, Place, Space and Generation. In Mayall, B., Zeiher, H. (eds) Childhood in Generational Perspective, London: Institute of Education 2003.
  • Christensen P, Kindheit und die kulturelle Konstitution verletzlicher Körper. In Hengst H, Kelle H. (eds) Kinder, Körper, Identitäten: Theoretische und empirirische Annäherungen an kulturelle Praxis und sozialen Wandel. Juventa Verlag: Weinheim und München 2003.
  • Christensen P, O’Brien M. Introduction. New Perspectives on Children in the City. In Christensen P, O’Brien M. (eds) Children in the City: Home, Neighbourhood and Community. London: RoutledgeFalmer 2002.

  • Christensen P. Place, Space and Knowledge: Children in the Village and the City. In Christensen P, O’Brien M.(eds) Children in the City: Home, Neighbourhood and Community. London: RoutledgeFalmer 2002.

  • Christensen P, James A, Jenks C. ”All We needed to do was to blow the Whistle”: Children's embodiment of Time. In Cunningham-Burley S, Backett-Milburn K. (eds) Exploring the Body. London: Palgrave 2001.

  • Christensen P, James A. What are schools for? The temporal experience of schooling. In Alanen L, Mayall B. (eds) Conceptualising child-adult relations. London: RoutledgeFalmer 2001.

  • Christensen P, Hockey J, James A. Talk, Silence and the Material World: Patterns of indirect communication among agricultural families in Northern England. In Hendry J, Walker A. (eds) An Anthropology of Indirect Communication, ASA Monograph Series 37, 2001.

  • Christensen P. Etik og taktik i forskning med børn (Ethics and Tactics in Research with Children). In Schultz Jørgensen P, Kampman J. (eds) Børn som Informanter (Children as Informants). København: Børnerådet (Copenhagen: The Children’s Council) 2000.

  • Christensen P. Childhood and the Cultural Constitution of Vulnerable Bodies. In Prout A.(ed) The Body, Childhood and Society. London: Macmillan 2000.

  • Christensen P, James A. Childhood Diversity and Commonality: Some methodological insights. In Christensen P, James A (eds) Research with Children: Perspectives and Practices. London: Falmer Press 2000 (2008 2nd. Edition).

  • Christensen P, James A. Researching Children and Childhood: Cultures of Communication. In Christensen P, James A. (eds) Research with children: Perspectives and Practices, London: Falmer Press 2000.

  • Christensen P, James A, Jenks C. Home and Movement: children constructing family time. In Holloway S, Valentine G. (eds) Children's Geographies: living, playing and transforming everyday worlds. London: Routledge 2000.

  • Christensen P, Hockey J, James A. “That's farming, Rosie”: Power and Familial Relations in Agricultural community. In Seymour J, Baggeley P. (eds) Relating Intimacies: Power and Resistance. London: Macmillan 1999.

  • Christensen P, Hockey J, James A. “You just get on with it”: Questioning Welfare Dependency in a Rural Community In Edgar,I and A. Russell (eds) Anthropology and Welfare, London and New York: Routledge 1998.

  • Christensen P. Difference and Similarity: How Children are constituted in illness and its treatment. Hutchby I, Moran-Ellis J.(eds): Children and Social Competence: Arenas of Action. London: Falmer Press 1998.


Refereed Papers

  • Christensen, P., Mikkelsen, MK. Is children’s independent mobility really independent? Mobilities. 2009, vol. 4 (1): 37-58.
  • Christensen P. Lykke, K and Rewentlow,S. ‘This is not normal …’ Signs that make the GP question the child’s well-being. Journal of Family Practice. 2008.
  • Christensen P. and Mikkelsen, MR. Jumping off and being careful: Children’s strategies of risk management in everyday life. Sociology of Health and Illness 2008 vol.30 (1):112-130.
  • Christensen P. Nørgård MH. Brunsø, K. Mikkelsen, MR. Children’s influence on and participation in the family decision-making process during food buying. Young Consumers 2007 vol.8 (3): 197-218.
  • Christensen P. Jørgensen MH., Curtis T., Grønbæk M. Teenagernes egen alkoholforebyggelse: en etnografisk undersøgelse. Secondary publication. Ugeskrift for Læger 2007 169 (41): 3495 – 3497.
  • Christensen P. and Jørgensen MH., Curtis,T.,Grønbæk M. Harm minimization among teenage drinkers: findings from an ethnographic study on teenage alcohol use in a rural Danish community. Addiction 2007 vol. 102 (4): 554–559.
  • Christensen P. The Health Promoting Family - a conceptual framework for future research. Social Science and Medicine 2004 vol.59 (2): 377-387.
  • Christensen P. Children’s Participation in Ethnographic research: issues of power and representation. Children and Society 2004 vol. 18: 165-176.
  • Christensen, P. Børn, mad og daglige rutiner. Barn 2003 2-3:119-135.
  • Christensen P. Er mere tid med familien løsningen? Hvad siger børn? Dansk Sociologi 2003; 14(2):60-74
  • Christensen P, Prout A. Working with Ethical Symmetry in Social Research with Children. Childhood: A Global Journal of Child Research 2002; 9(4): 477-497.
  • Christensen P Why more ‘Quality Time’ is not on the top of Children’s lists. Children and Society 2002; 16:1-12.
  • Christensen P. ”It hurts”: Children's cultural learning about health and illness. Etnofoor, Kids & Culture. (Journal of Anthropology. Special issue) Holland 1999; 12(1): 39-53.
  • Christensen P. Sårbare kroppe - om den sociale og kulturelle konstituering af børns sårbarhed. (Vulnerable Bodies – on the social and cultural constitution of children’s vulnerability) Børn. Tidskriftet Antropologi (Journal of Anthropology. Special issue on the Anthropology of Children).1998; 38:79-94.
  • Christensen P, Hockey J, James A. Depending on the field...? The natural history of a research project. Anthropology Today, 1997; 13: 2.
  • Christensen P, Hockey J, James A . ‘You have neither neighbours nor privacy’ on the emotional wellbeing of women in a farming community Sociological Review 1997; 45 (4): 621-645.