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- Astley, Jeff, Francis, Leslie J., Robbins, Mandy, 2012. Assessing attitude towards religion: the Astley-Francis Scale of attitude towards theistic faith. British Journal of Religious Education, Vol.34 (No.2), pp. 183-193
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- Williams, Emyr, Francis, Leslie J., Astley, Jeff, Robbins, Mandy, 2009. The relationship between paranormal beliefs and attitude towards theistic beliefs. Journal for the Society of Psychical Research, Vol.73 (No.1), pp. 33-40
- Astley, Jeff, 2016. Researching the field of Christian education: reflections on an English experiment. In Gates, Brian (ed.), Religion and Nationhood Insider and Outsider Perspectives on Religious Education in England, Tu¨bingen Mohr Siebeck, pp. 327-348
- Astley, Jeff, Francis, Leslie, 2013. Exploring ordinary theology : everyday Christian believing and the church. Farnham, Surrey, UK ; Burlington, VT, Ashgate
- Francis, Leslie, Robbins, Mandy, Astley, Jeff, 2009. Empirical theology in texts and tables : qualitative, quantitative and comparative perspectives. Leiden, Brill