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Dr Elisabeth Arweck

Job Title
Principal Research Fellow
Education Studies
02476 528 434
Research Interests

religious diversity, mixed-faith families, religious identity formation, religious nurture/socialisation, religion and austerity, young people & religion, young people & education, new religious movements in Europe and the US, 'sects'/'cults', alternative educational programmes, methods in the study & research of religion, contemporary religious trends, education & values, education & contemporary spirituality, non-religion, the social significance of religion, religious literacy, multiculturalism, interculturalism, religious belief and practice, 'implicit' religion


Elisabeth Arweck is currently a part-time (50%) Principal Research Fellow in CES and a member of the Warwick Religions and Education Research Unit (WRERU), a research group within CES which focuses on religion and education (both terms understood in the wider sense). She has been part of CES/WRERU since 2001, but has also worked on research projects in the Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research (CEDAR) and international projects related to her research interests.

Since joining the University of Warwick, Elisabeth Arweck has worked on a number of funded projects within WRERU and as part of international research project teams as well as government-commissioned research on educational topics more generally, such as parenting, Autism, modern foreign languages, teacher training, and gifted and talented students (within CEDAR).

Professional Associations

  • Member of the Steering Committee of the American Academy of Religion (AAR) Religion and Public Education group (2016?2020) (by invitation)
  • Member of the International Liaison Committee of the Association for Sociology of Religion (ASR) (2017?2019) (by invitation), taking the role of committee chair in 2018
  • Chair of the International Liaison Committee of the Association for Sociology of Religion (ASR) (2018) (by invitation)
  • Membership Secretary (Admissions) of the International Seminar on Religious Education and Values (ISREV) (since 2014)
  • Member of the Committee for the Best Paper Award for the International Society for the Sociology of Religion (ISSR/SISR) (by invitation) (2017)
  • Co-Programme Chair for Europe for the Annual Conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR) (2011?2012) (by invitation of the SSSR President)
  • Member of the Council of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion (ISSR/SISR), serving two terms (2005?2013) as the elected representative of the UK
  • Member of the committee of the BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group, serving as the Convenor (2000-2003). In this capacity, she maintained links with similar organisations across the world, such as the International Society for the Sociology of Religion (SISR/ISSR) and Association Française de Sciences Sociales des Religions (AFSR).
  • Member of Section Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft Soziologie (DGS)

She was Co-editor (until July 2011) and is now the Editor of the Journal of Contemporary Religion Journal of Contemporary Religion. This is an international journal, founded by Prof. Peter Clarke, which is concerned with the discussion and analysis of contemporary aspects of religion, focusing on significant trends, developments and processes in mainstream as well as non-mainstream forms of religious expression over the last few decades. The Journal also contains book reviews, book notes and review articles, which reflect the range of topics and issues in the study of religion.

Title Funder Award start Award end
Young Australians' perspectives on religions and non-religious worldviews Australian Research Council 01 Jan 2016 31 Dec 2018
Pluralisation, the welfare state and civil associations Research Council of Norway 01 Aug 2014 30 Jun 2018
The Role of Religion in Families during Times of Austerity - BA/Leverhulme Small Grant British Academy 01 May 2014 30 Sept 2016
Evaluation of Universal Parenting classes - 2014-15 Department of Health 30 Jun 2014 29 Mar 2015
Livskunskap (Life Competences) in Swedish Schools and its equivalent in the curriculum of English schools - Phase Four Stockholm University 29 Jan 2014 28 Feb 2014
Livskunskap (Life Competences) in Swedish Schools and its equivalent in the curriculum of English schools - Phase Three Stockholm University 24 Jul 2012 30 Sept 2012
AHRC Full Bid: Young Peoples Attitudes to Religious Diversity (prev outline = 20750) AHRC 01 Oct 2009 30 Sept 2012
Livskunskap (Life Competences) in Swedish Schools and its equivalent in the curriculum of English schools Stockholm University 01 Apr 2011 31 Jul 2011
Overseas Conference Grant - Mixed Faith Families in the UK. Where does religious education come in? British Academy 25 Jul 2010 30 Jul 2010