- Special educational needs and disability
- Inclusion
- Early identification and intervention
- Parenting support
- Ethics and practice of educational and health professionals
- Educational evaluation
View Geoff's publications on the University of Warwick Publications service.
I am now Director of Research in the Faculty of Social Sciences. I am also Professor Emeritus in the Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research (CEDAR), having been its Director from 1999 until December 2020. Before joining Warwick in 1995 I was Principal Educational Psychologist of the Sheffield Psychological Service. My main research concerns special educational needs and disability (SEND), parenting support, and early intervention, although these three strands interact. Previous work has included a consultancy to the Lamb Inquiry into parents' confidence in the special educational needs system; leading the Better Communication Research Programme, part of the government's response to the Bercow Review into provision for children and young people with speech, language and communication needs; and leading the 5-year evaluation of the Parenting Early Intervention Programme (including the Pathfinder) of targeted parenting programmes and 3-year CANparent trial of universal parenting classes. I was Specialist Adviser to the House of Commons Select Committee on Education for its consideration of the Bill which subsequently became the Children & Families Act, 2014. My recent research includes the early formative evaluation of the Early Intervention Foundation, the Parent Gym parenting programme, the sustained implementation of parenting programmes by local authorities after the end of the Parenting Early Intervention Programme, and of the Review of arrangements for disagreement resolution (SEND) an important element of the Children & Families Act 2014.
I am a past President of the British Psychological Society and for many years led the BPS's initiative to secure the statutory regulation of psychologists. I was the Convener of the Standing Committee on Ethics of the European Federation of Psychologists Associations 1999-2009.
I was Chair of the Inclusion Commission, Birmingham City Council (2017-18) and a member of the decision-making panel for the independent review following up the outcomes of the Bercow Review 2008 of provision for children and young people with speech and language needs: Bercow-Ten Years On.
I am also the founding Chief Editor of the journal Frontiers in Education: Special educational needs. Currently I am also the Chair of the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Commission for the London Borough of Newham.
- Desforges, M. F., Lindsay, Geoff, 2018. Introduction. Educational & Child Psychology, pp. 5-7
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2018. Inclusive education theory and practice : what does this mean for paediatricians?. Paediatrics and Child Health, 28 (8), pp. 368-373
- Gray, Gemma, Totsika, Vasiliki, Lindsay, Geoff, 2018. Sustained effectiveness of evidence-based parenting programs after the research trial ends. Frontiers in Psychology, 9
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2018. The Sheffield psychological service in the new ERA. Educational & Child Psychology, pp. 71-88
- Cullen, Stephen Michael, Cullen, Mairi Ann, Lindsay, Geoff, 2017. The CANparent Trial ? the delivery of universal parenting education in England. British Educational Research Journal, 43 (4), pp. 759-780
- Barlow, Jane, Beake, Sarah, Bick, Debra, Bryson , Caroline, Day, Laurie, Gilby, Nicholas, Glover, Vivette, Knibbs, Sarah, Leyland, Alastair, Lindsay, Geoff, Mathers, Sandra, McKenna, Katharine, Petrou, Stavros, Purdon, Susan, Sylva, Kathy, Summerbell, Carolyn, Tudor, Fiona, Wheeler, Amy, Woolgar, Virginia, 2017. Initial protocol for a national evaluation of an area-based intervention programme (A Better Start) on early-life outcomes : a longitudinal cohort study with comparison (control) cohort samples. BMJ Open, 7 (8)
- Lindsay, Geoff, Totsika, Vasiliki, 2017. The effectiveness of universal parenting programmes : the CANparent trial. BMC Psychology, 5
- Lindsay, Geoff, Ricketts, Jessie, Peacey, Lindy V., Dockrell, Julie E., Charman, Tony, 2016. Meeting the educational and social needs of children with language impairment or autism spectrum disorder : the parents' perspectives. International Journal of Language and Communication Disabilities, 51 (5), pp. 495-507
- Cullen, Stephen Michael, Cullen, Mairi Ann, Lindsay, Geoff, 2016. Universal parenting programme provision in England : barriers to parent engagement in the CANparent trial, 2012-2014. Children & Society, 30 (1), pp. 71-81
- Brito, Ana Teresa, Lindsay, Geoff, 2016. Understanding the initial impact of early support and key working training through the voices of trainers, training participants, and families. Infants & Young Children, 29 (1), pp. 71-88
- Law, James Christopher, Roulstone, Susan, Lindsay, Geoff, 2015. Integrating external evidence of intervention effectiveness with both practice and the parent perspective : development of ?What Works' for speech, language, and communication needs. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 57 (3), pp. 223-228
- Charman, Tony, Ricketts, Jessie, Dockrell, Julie E., Lindsay, Geoff, Palikara, Olympia, 2015. Emotional and behavioural problems in children with language impairments and children with autism spectrum disorders. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 50 (1), pp. 84-93
- Dockrell, J. E., Bakopoulou, I., Law, James Christopher, Spencer, Sarah, Lindsay, Geoff, 2015. Capturing communication supporting classrooms : the development of a tool and feasibility study. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 31 (3), pp. 271-286
- Dockrell, Julie E., Lindsay, Geoff, Roulstone, Sue, Law, James Christopher, 2014. Supporting children with speech, language and communication needs : an overview of the results of the Better Communication Research Programme. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 49 (5), pp. 543-557
- Kaloyirou, Chrystalla, Lindsay, Geoff, 2014. Understanding bullying : using role-play with 12-year-old boys in Cyprus. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 29 (2), pp. 153-166
- Dockrell, Julie E., Lindsay, Geoff, 2014. Chapter 6 : Evidence based policy and practice : the Better Communication Research Programme. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 14 (3), pp. 210-214
- Mackie, Clare J., Dockrell, Julie E., Lindsay, Geoff, 2013. An evaluation of the written texts of children with SLI : the contributions of oral language, reading and phonological short-term memory. Reading and Writing, 26 (6), pp. 865-888
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2013. The benefits of combined (mixed) methods research. Social Work and Social Sciences Review, 16 (2), pp. 76-87
- Roulstone, S., Wren, Y., Bakopoulou, I., Lindsay, Geoff, 2012. Interventions for children with speech, language and communication needs: An exploration of current practice. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, Vol. 28 (No. 3), pp. 325-341
- Cullen, Mairi Ann, Davis, Liz, Lindsay, Geoff, Davis, Hilton, 2012. Engaging parents in Parentline Plus' Time to Talk community programme as part of England?s teenage pregnancy strategy : lessons for policy and practice. Children & Society, Vol.26 (No.6), pp. 443-455
- Lindsay, Geoff, Dockrell, Julie E., 2012. Longitudinal patterns of behavioral, emotional, and social difficulties and self-concept in adolescents with a history of specific language impairment. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, Vol.43, pp. 445-460
- Band, Susan A. (Susan Ann), Lindsay, Geoff, Neelands, Jonothan, Freakley, Vivien, 2011. Disabled students in the performing arts - are we setting them up to succeed?. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 15 (9), pp. 891-908
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2011. The collection and analysis of data on children with speech, language and communication needs : the challenge to education and health services. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, Vol.27 (No.2), pp. 135-150
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2011. Transnational ethical guidance and the development of the EFPA meta-code of ethics. European Psychologist, Vol.16 (No.2), pp. 121-131
- Cullen, Stephen Michael, Cullen, Mairi Ann, Band, Susan, Davis, Liz, Lindsay, Geoff, 2010. Supporting fathers to engage with their children's learning and education : an under-developed aspect of the Parent Support Adviser pilot. British Educational Research Journal, Vol.37 (No.3), pp. 485-500
- Rushton, Alison, Lindsay, Geoff, 2010. Defining the construct of masters level clinical practice in manipulative physiotherapy. Manual Therapy, Vol.15 (No.1), pp. 93-99
- Saad, Supiah, Lindsay, Geoff, 2010. Preschool children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in inclusive settings : challenging but not problematic. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, Vol.18 (No.1), pp. 115-132
- Dockrell, Julie E., Lindsay, Geoff, Connelly, Vincent, 2009. The impact of specific language impairment on adolescents' written text. Exceptional Children, Vol.75 (No.4), pp. 427-446
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2009. Alastair Heron (1915-2009) obituary. Psychologist, Vol.22 (No.8), pp. 655-655
- Cullen, Mairi Ann, Lindsay, Geoff, Dockrell, Julie E., 2009. The role of the Connexions service in supporting the transition from school to post-16 education, employment training and work for young people with a history of specific speech and language difficulties or learning difficulties. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, Vol.9 (No.2), pp. 100-112
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2009. Etica profesional y psicologia. Papeles del Psicologo, Vol.30 (No.3)
- Muijs, Daniel, Lindsay, Geoff, 2008. Where are we at? An empirical study of levels and methods of evaluating continuing professional development. British Educational Research Journal, Vol.34 (No.2), pp. 195-211
- Rushton, Alison, Lindsay, Geoff, 2008. Defining the construct of Masters level clinical practice in healthcare based on the UK experience. Medical Teacher, Vol.30 (No.4), pp. E100-E107
- Lindsay, Geoff, Dockrell, Julie E., Mackie, Clare, 2008. Vulnerability to bullying in children with a history of specific speech and language difficulties. European Journal of Special Needs Education, Vol.23 (No.1), pp. 1-16
- Lindsay, Geoff, Dockrell, Julie E., 2008. Language intervention in the school years : a systemic approach. Revista de Logopedia, FoniatrĂa y AudiologĂa, Vol.28 (No.4), pp. 207-217
- Kaloyirou, Chrystalla, Lindsay, Geoff, 2008. The self-perceptions of bullies in Cyprus primary schools. European Journal of Special Needs Education, Vol.23 (No.3), pp. 223-235
- Dockrell, Julie E., Lindsay, Geoff, Connelly, Vincent, Mackie, Clare, 2007. Constraints in the production of written text in children with specific language impairments. Exceptional Children, 73 (2), pp. 147-164
- Lindsay, Geoff, Dockrell, Julie E., 2007. Identifying the educational and social needs of children with specific speech and language difficulties on entryto secondary school. Educational & Child Psychology, 24 (4), pp. 101-115
- Lindsay, Geoff, Rushton , Alison, 2007. Developing clinical expertise for healthcare professionals through Masters courses in the UK. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 14 (4), pp. 156-161
- Leung, C., Lindsay, Geoff, Lo, S. K., 2007. Early identification of primary school students with learning difficulties in Hong Kong : the development of a checklist. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 22 (3), pp. 327-339
- Dockrell, Julie E., Lindsay, Geoff, Letchford, Becky, Mackie, Clare, 2006. Educational provision for children with specific speech and language difficulties : perspectives of speech and language therapy service managers. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 41 (4), pp. 423-440
- Kyriakides, Leonidas, Kaloyirou, Chrystalla, Lindsay, Geoff, 2006. An analysis of the revised Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire using the Rasch measurement model. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 76 (4), pp. 781-801
- Lindsay, Geoff, Muijs, Daniel, 2006. Challenging underachievement in boys. Educational Research, 48 (3), pp. 313-332
- Neelands, Jonothan, Freakley, Viv, Lindsay, Geoff, 2006. A study of social-market interventions in the shaping of the field of cultural production. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 12 (1), pp. 93-109
- Lindsay, Geoff, Dockrell, Julie E., Mackie, Clare, Letchford, Becky, 2005. The roles of specialist provision for children with specific speech and language difficulties in England and Wales : a model for inclusion?. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 5 (3), pp. 88-96
- Lindsay, Geoff, Dockrell, Julie E., Mackie, Clare, Letchford, Becky, 2005. Local education authorities' approaches to provision for children with specific speech and language difficulties in England and Wales. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 20 (3), pp. 329-345
- Lindsay, Geoff, Dockrell, Julie E., 2004. Whose job is it? Parents' concerns about the needs of their children with language problems. Journal of Special Education, 37 (4), pp. 225-235
- Lindsay, Geoff, Martineau, Emma, Lewis, Ann, 2004. The consistency of baseline assessment schemes as measures of early literacy. Journal of Research in Reading, 27 (2), pp. 118-131
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2004. 10th International CEDAR Conference Report Widening participation : research, policy and practice. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 4 (3), pp. 161-164
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2004. Pupil participation : the NASEN policy. Support for Learning, 19 (4), pp. 194-195
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2003. Values, rights and dilemmas. British Journal of Special Education, volume 24 (2), pp. 55-59
- Lindsay, Geoff, Lewis, Ann, 2003. An evaluation of the use of accredited baseline assessment schemes in England. British Educational Research Journal, 29 (2), pp. 149-167
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2003. Clinical education for healthcare professionals : a critical analysis facilitated by a soft systems methodological approach. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 10 (6), pp. 271-280
- Radford, J., Law, J., Soloff, N., Lindsay, Geoff, Peacey, N., Gascoigne, M., Band, S., 2003. Collaboration between LEA and SLT Managers for the planning of services to children with speech and language needs. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 31 (1), pp. 83-95
- Lewis, Ann, Lindsay, Geoff, Phillips, Emma, 2003. Assessment in special schools : national early assessment procedures and pupils attending special schools in England. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 18 (2), pp. 141-153
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2003. Inclusive education : a critical perspective. British Journal of Special Education, 30 (1), pp. 3-12
- Lindsay, Geoff, Soloff, N., Law, J., Band, S., Peacey, N., Gascoigne, M., Radford, J., 2002. Speech and language therapy services to education in England and Wales. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 37 (3), pp. 273-288
- Law, James, Lindsay, Geoff, Peacey, Nick, Gascoigne, Marie, Soloff, Nina, Radford, Julie, Band, Sue, 2002. Consultation as a model for providing speech and language therapy in schools : a panacea or one step too far?. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 18 (2), pp. 145-163
- Band, S., Lindsay, Geoff, Law, J., Soloff, N., Peacey, N., Gascoigne, M., Radford, J., 2002. Are health and education talking to each other? Perceptions of parents of children with speech and language needs. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 17 (3), pp. 211-227
- Lindsay, Geoff, Dockrell, Julie, 2002. Meeting the needs of children with speech language and communication needs : a critical perspective on inclusion and collaboration. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 18 (2), pp. 91-101
- Lindsay, Geoff, Dockrell, Julie, Letchford, Becky, Mackie, Clare, 2002. Self esteem of children with specific speech and language difficulties. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 18 (2), pp. 125-143
- Campbell, Jim, Lindsay, Geoff, Phillips, Emma, 2002. Professional development of Primary School Headteachers : the paradox of ownership. School Leadership & Management, 22 (4), pp. 359-370
- Law, James, Lindsay, Geoff, Peacey, Nick, Gascoigne, Marie, Soloff, Nina, Radford, Julie, Band, Sue, 2001. Facilitating communication between education and health services: the provision for children with speech and language needs. British Journal of Special Education, 28 (3), pp. 133-137
- Dockrell, Julie E., Lindsay, Geoff, 2001. Children with specific speech and language difficulties?the teachers' perspective. Oxford Review of Education, volume 27 (3), pp. 369-394
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2001. Baseline assessment : What purpose, and for whose benefit?. Education 3-13, 29 (3), pp. 47-52
- Cotton, Linda, Brazier, John, Hall, David M. B., Lindsay, Geoff, Marsh, Peter, Polnay, Leon, Williams, T. Sim, 2000. School nursing : costs and potential benefits. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 31 (5), pp. 1063-1071
- Lindsay, Geoff, Dockrell, Julie E., 2000. The behaviour and self-esteem of children with specific speech and language difficulties. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 70 (Part 4), pp. 583-601
- Dockrell, Julie, Lindsay, Geoff, 2000. Meeting the needs of children with specific speech and language difficulties. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 15 (1), pp. 24-41
- Lindsay, Geoff, Clarkson, Petruska, 1999. Ethical dilemmas of psychotherapists. Psychologist, 12 (4), pp. 182-185
- Lindsay, Geoff, Desforges, Martin, 1999. The use of the infant Index/Baseline-PLUS as a baseline assessment measure of literacy. Journal of Research in Reading, 22 (1), pp. 55-66
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1998. Education, educational research, ethics and the BPS : A reply to Raven. Education Section Review, 21, pp. 19-23
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1998. Psychology as an ethical discipline and profession. European Psychologist, 1 (2), pp. 79-88
- Lindsay, Geoff, Dockrell, Julie E., 1998. The ways in which speech and language difficulties impact on children's access to the curriculum. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 14 (2), pp. 117-133
- Dockrell, Julie E., Lindsay, Geoff, 1998. What's in a transition? A reply to Botting, Crutchley and Conti-Ramsden. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 33 (2), pp. 198-207
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1998. Are educational psychologists serious about research?. Educational and Child Psychology, 15 (3), pp. 74-85
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1998. Open dialogue : the practice of educational psychology : ethics, quality and a broader role. Education Section Review, 22 (1), pp. 4-10
- Dockrell, Julie, George, Rachel, Lindsay, Geoff, Roux, Judy, 1997. Problems in the identification and assessment of children with specific speech and language difficulties. Educational Psychology in Practice, 13 (number 1), pp. 29-38
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1996. Children with special education needs :some ethical issues for practitioners in the UK. International Journal of Disability, Community & Rehabilitation, 20 (1), pp. 12-18
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1995. Ethical dilemmas of members of the society. The Psychologist, 8, pp. 214-217
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1995. Sheffield Psychological Service : a quality case study. Educational Psychology in Practice, 11 (Supplement 1), pp. 39-43
- Lindsay, Geoff, Desforges, M., 1995. Baseline assessment. Educational and Child Psychology, 12 (3), pp. 42-53
- Lindsay, Geoff, Lunt, I., 1994. Professional psychologists in the United Kingdom : current issues, trends and developments. European Review of Applied Psychology, 43 (1), pp. 91-98
- Desforges, M., Lindsay, Geoff, 1994. Implementing the code of practice. British Journal of Curriculum and Assessment, 5, pp. 16-21
- Lindsay, Geoff, Lunt, I., 1992. The challenge of change. The Psychologist (Bulletin), 6, pp. 210-213
- Topping, K. J., Lindsay, Geoff, 1992. Paired reading : a review of the literature. Research Papers in Education, 7 (3), pp. 199-246
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1991. Psychologists and ethical behaviour. Educational and Child Psychology, 8 (4), pp. 33-42
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1991. What price success? Appraising research in field settings. Educational & Child Psychology, 8 (1), pp. 75-81
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1991. Developing a policy for integration in a local educational authority : is there a research base?. Educational & Child Psychology, 8 (1), pp. 50-61
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1990. Assessment in the training of educational psychologists. Educational & Child Psychology, 7 (3), pp. 79-81
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1989. Evaluating integration. Educational Psychology in Practice, 5 (1), pp. 7-16
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1989. Assessing children with learning difficulties in the new ERA. Support for Learning, 4 (4), pp. 209-215
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1988. The identification of special educational needs : screening and beyond. School Psychology International, 9 (1), pp. 61-68
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1988. Can we justify closed files? Some thoughts on individuals' access to their files : an educational psychologist's perspective. Educational and Child Psychology, 5 (1), pp. 41-47
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1988. Educational psychology : a critical view from a practitioner. Educational and Child Psychology, 5 (1), pp. 23-32
- Lindsay, Geoff, Dickinson, D., 1987. The integration of profoundly hearing impaired children into a nursery setting. British Association of Teachers of the Deaf. Magazine, 11, pp. 1-7
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1986. The Division of Educational and Child Psychology of the British Psychological Society. School Psychology International, 7 (3), pp. 185-187
- Lindsay, Geoff, Desforges, Martin, 1986. Research Supplement : Integrated nurseries for children with special educational needs. British Journal of Special Education, 13 (2), pp. 63-66
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1985. Integration of three to five year olds with special needs. Educational and Child Psychology, 2 (3), pp. 123-129
- Topping, K. J., Lindsay, Geoff, 1985. The structure and development of the paired reading technique. Journal of Research in Reading, 15 (2), pp. 120-136
- Lindsay, Geoff, Evans, Alison, Jones, Ben, 1985. Paired reading versus relaxed reading : a comparison. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 55 (3), pp. 304-309
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1985. Educational psychology in England and Wales. Journal of School Psychology, 23 (4), pp. 305-317
- Lindsay, Geoff, McLennan, D., 1983. Lined paper : its effects on the legibility and creativity of young children's writing. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 53 (3), pp. 364-368
- Lindsay, Geoff, Coghill, S., 1983. Psychological services for children. The Psychologist (Bulletin), 36, pp. 288-299
- Coghill, S., Lindsay, Geoff, 1983. Psychological services for children - grass roots opinion. The Psychologist (Bulletin), 36, pp. 155-158
- Lindsay, Geoff, Thompson, D., 1982. Targets in professional psychology. The Psychologist (Bulletin), 35, pp. 275-277
- Lindsay, Geoff, Wedell, K., 1982. The early identification of educationally 'at risk' children revisited. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 15 (4), pp. 212-217
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1981. Getting it out of your system. Journal of the Association of Educational Psychologists, 5 (5), pp. 33-36
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1981. Research and the educational psychologist : five years on. Journal of the Association of Educational Psychologists, 5 (6), pp. 16-20
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1980. The infant rating scale. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 50 (2), pp. 97-104
- Wedell, K., Lindsay, Geoff, 1980. Early identification procedures : what have we learned?. Remedial Education
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1980. Monitoring children's learning : an in-service approach. British Journal of In-Service Education, 6 (3), pp. 189-191
- Barden, V., Coles, P., Lindsay, Geoff, 1980. Promotional prospects for applied psychologists. The Psychologist (Bulletin), 33, pp. 415-418
- Wedell, K., Lindsay, Geoff, 1978. Psychological services for children. The Psychologist (Bulletin), 31, pp. 11-15
- Lindsay, Geoff, Koene, C., Ovreeide, H., Lang, F., 2017. Ethics for European Psychologists. Gottingen, Germany, Hogrefe Publishing GmbH
- Lindsay, Geoff, Dockrell, J., 2017. Design and implementation of "The Better Communication Research Program" in England. In Ralli, A.; Palikara, O. (eds.), Developmental Language Disorders in children and adolescents, Athens, Greece, Gutenberg, pp. 141-170
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2013. Inclusive education. In Hattie, John; Anderman, Eric M. (eds.), International guide to student achievement, New York ; London, Routledge, pp. 143-145
- Lindsay, Geoff, Leach, M. M., Stevens, M. J., Ferrero, A., Korkut, Y., 2012. Taking stock and looking forward. In Leach, Mark M.; Stevesn, Michael J.; Lindsay, Geoff; Ferrero, Andrea; Korkut, Yesim (eds.), The Oxford handbook of international psychological ethics, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 245-263
- Oakland, T., Leach, M. M., Bartram, D., Lindsay, Geoff, Smedler, A. C., Zhang, H., 2012. An international perspective on ethics codes in psychology. In Leach, Mark M.; Stevens, Michael J.; Lindsay, Geoff; Ferrero, Andrea; Korkut, Yesim (eds.), The Oxford handbook of international psychological ethics, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 19-27
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2012. Ethical decision-making. Leach, Mark M.; Stevesn, Michael J.; Lindsay, Geoff; Ferrero, Andrea; Korkut, Yesim (eds.), The Oxford handbook of international psychological ethics, Oxford, Oxford University Press
- Leach, Mark, Stevens, Michael, Lindsay, Geoff, Ferrero, Andrea, Korkut, Yesim, 2012. The Oxford handbook of international psychological ethics. Oxford, Oxford University Press
- Bishton, H., Lindsay, Geoff, 2011. What about what I think about school? ? Student voice in special and inclusive education. In Czerniawski, Gerry; Kidd, Warren (eds.), The student voice handbook : bridging the academic/practitioner divide, Bingley, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 169-183
- Dockrell, J. E., Lindsay, Geoff, 2011. Cognitive and linguistic factors in the interview process. In Roulstone, Sue; McLeod, Sharynne (eds.), Listening to children and young people with speech, language and communication needs, Guildford, J & R Press, pp. 143-152
- Lindsay, Geoff, Rushton, Alison, 2011. An investigation using mixed methods to converge findings from a Delphi study and case study : an exploration of the construct of Masters level clinical practice. London, UK, Lambert Academic Publishing
- Hambley, H., Coad, J., Lindsay, Geoff, Roulstone, S., 2011. Listening to children and young people talk about their desired outcomes. In Roulstone, Sue; McLeod, Sharynne (eds.), Listening to children and young people with speech, language and communication needs, Guildford, J & R Press, pp. 217-224
- Lindsay, Geoff, Koene, C., Ovreeide, H., Lang, F., 2010. Etika pro evropské psychology. V Praze : Triton, Hogrefe-Testcentrum
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2010. Educational psychology and the effectiveness of inclusive education/mainstreaming. In Capel, Susan; Leask, Marilyn; Turner, Tony (eds.), Readings for learning to teach in the secondary school : a companion to M level study, London, Routledge, pp. 161-185
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2010. Ethical considerations and legal issues in educational research. In Hartas, Dimitra, 1966- (ed.), Educational research and inquiry : qualitative and quantitative approaches, London, Continuum International Publishing Group, pp. 110-130
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2010. Educational mainstreaming. In Weiner, Irving B.; Craighead, W. Edward (eds.), The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology, Hoboken, NJ, Wiley, pp. 544-545
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2009. Ethical dilemmas of psychologists : how are these affected at times of national security?. In Cláudio , V.; Carita, A.; Coelho, J.; Pereira, M.; Silva, N.; Romão , O.; Ribeiro, R.; Sá, T. (eds.), III Colóquio Europeu de Psicologia e Ética, Lisbon, ISPA : Instituto Superior de Psicologica Aplicada, pp. 213-220
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2008. Professional ethics and psychology. In Lindsay, Geoff; Koene, C.; Ovreeide, H.; Lang, F. (eds.), Ethics for European psychologists, Toronto, Hogrefe, pp. 1-14
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2008. Ethical problem solving. In Lindsay, Geoff; Koene, C.; Ovreeide, H.; Lang, F. (eds.), Ethics for European psychologists, Toronto, Hogrefe, pp. 153-166
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2008. Ethical challenges for the future. In Lindsay, Geoff; Koene, C.; Ovreeide, H.; Lang, F. (eds.), Ethics for European psychologists, Toronto, Hogrefe, pp. 0-0
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2008. The principle of competence. In Lindsay, Geoff; Koene, C.; Ovreeide, H.; Lang, F. (eds.), Ethics for European psychologists, Toronto, Hogrefe, pp. 79-102
- Lindsay, Geoff, Koene, C., Ovreeide, H., Lang, F., 2008. Ethics for European psychologists. Toronto, Hogrefe
- Lindsay, Geoff, Dockrell, Julie E., 2008. Outcomes for young people with a history of specific speech and language difficulties at 16-17 years : a more positive picture?. In Joffe, Victoria; Cruice, Madeline; Chiat, Shula (eds.), Language disorders in children and adults : new issues in research and practice, Chichester, West Sussex ; Hoboken, John Wiley and Sons, pp. 138-158
- Lindsay, G., 2008. Ethics and value systems. In Kelly, Barbara; Woolfson, Lisa; Boyle , James (eds.), Frameworks for practice in educational psychology : a textbook for trainees and practitioners, London : Philadelphia, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, pp. 52-66
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2008. Ethical decision making with the EFPA Meta-code of ethics. Wedding , Danny; Stevens , Michael J. (eds.), Psychology: IUPsyS Global Resource, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, Psychology Press
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2008. Baseline assessment. In McCulloch, Gary; Crook, David (eds.), The Routledge international encyclopedia of education, London, Routledge, pp. 45-46
- Dockrell, Julie E., Lindsay, Geoff, 2008. Inclusion versus specialist provision: ideology versus evidence based practice for children with developmental language disorders. In Norbury, Courtenay Frazier; Tomblin, J. Bruce; Bishop, Dorothy V. M. (eds.), Understanding developmental language disorders : from theory to practice, Hove, Psychology Press, pp. 131-147
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2007. Prioritisation : an educationist's perspective. In Roulstone, Sue (ed.), Prioritising child health : practice and principles, London ; New York, Routledge, pp. 88-100
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2007. Rights, efficacy and inclusive education. In Cigman, Ruth (ed.), Included or excluded? : the challenge of the mainstream for some SEN children, London ; New York, Routledge, pp. 15-22
- Dockrell, J. E., Lindsay, Geoff, 2006. Language difficulties, behaviour and social groups in the classroom. In 25 Congreso Internacional de AELFA, 2o. Encuentro Iberoamericano de Logopedia : Granada 28-20 junio 2006, Granada, Granada Editorial Universidad de Granada, pp. 81-91
- Dockrell, J. E., Lindsay, Geoff, Connelly, V., Mackie, C., 2005. Constraints in the production of written text in children with specific language impairments. Allal , L.; Dolz , J. (eds.), Proceedings Writing 2004 [CD- ROM], Geneva, Adcom Productions
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2005. Developing ethical practice : a European perspective. In Cláudio , Victor; Carita, Ana; Inácio , Camilo; Coelho , Jaime; Rebelo da Silva, Nélia (eds.), II Colóquio Europeu de Psicologia e Ética, Lisbon, ISPA : Instituto Superior de Psicologica Aplicada, pp. 49-68
- Neelands, Jonothan, Band, Susan, Freakley, Vivien, Lindsay, Geoff, 2005. Hidden talents : a review of state supported provision and policy for talented pupils in England. Coventry, University of Warwick, National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth, 2004
- Lindsay, Geoff, Dockrell, Julie E., 2004. Specific speech and language difficulties and literacy. In Neuman, Susan B.; Dickinson, David K. (eds.), Handbook of early literacy research, New York, Guilford Press, pp. 403-435
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2004. Ethical and legal matters. Encyclopaedia of Life Support Systems, UNESCO
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2004. Baseline assessment and the early identification of dyslexia. In Reid, Gavin; Fawcett, Angela (eds.), Dyslexia in context : research, policy and practice, London ; Philadelphia, Whurr Publishers, pp. 278-287
- Muijs, D., Day, C., Harris, A., Lindsay, Geoff, 2004. Evaluating CPD : an overview. In Day, Christopher; Sachs, Judyth (eds.), International handbook on the continuing professional development of teachers, Maidenhead, Open University Press, pp. 291-310
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2003. Modelling the implications of ?graduation' for 16-19-year-olds in three geographical areas. In Norwich, Brahm (ed.), Rethinking the 14-19 curriculum : SEN perspectives and implications, Tamworth, NASEN, pp. 30-39
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2003. Intervencion colaborativa : logopedas y profesores trabajando juntos. In Acosta, Victor M.; Moreno Santana , A. M. (eds.), Difficultades del lenguaje, colaboacion e inclusion educative, Espana, Ars Medica, pp. 93-104
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2003. Intervencion en el lenguaje en una escuela inclusiva. In Acosta, Victor M.; Moreno Santana , A. M. (eds.), Difficultades del lenguaje, colaboacion e inclusion educative, Espana, Ars Medica, pp. 105-115
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2003. Ethics. In Bayne, Rowan; Horton, Ian (eds.), Applied psychology : current issues and new directions, London, UK, Sage Publications Ltd, pp. 226-227
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2003. Implementing the revised Code of Practice : ethics and values. In Galloway , David (ed.), Children with Special Educational Needs : A Response to the New Code of Practice, London, UK, Association for Child Psychology and Psychiatry, pp. 47-55
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2001. Identification and intervention in the primary school. In Fawcett, Angela J. (ed.), Dyslexia : theory and good practice, London, UK, Whurr Publishers, pp. 256-280
- Lindsay, Geoff, Clarkson, P., 2000. Ethical dilemmas of psychotherapists. In Clarkson, Petruska (ed.), Ethics : working with ethical and moral dilemmas in psychotherapy, London, UK, Whurr, pp. 1-19
- Lindsay, Geoff, Clarkson, P., 2000. Collegial working relationships ? ethics, research and good practice. In Clarkson, Petruska (ed.), Ethics : working with ethical and moral dilemmas in psychotherapy, London, UK, Whurr, pp. 126-149
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2000. Baseline assessment : how can it help?. In Daniels, Harry (ed.), Special Education Reformed: Beyond Rhetoric?, London, UK, Falmer Press, pp. 123-137
- Lindsay, Geoff, Clarkson, P., 2000. Ethical dilemmas in supervision, training and organisational contexts. In Clarkson, Petruska (ed.), Ethics : working with ethical and moral dilemmas in psychotherapy, London, UK, Whurr, pp. 173-190
- Lindsay, Geoff, Dockrell, Julie E., Lewis, Ann, 1999. Researching children's perspectives : a psychological dimension. In Lewis, Ann; Lindsay, Geoff (eds.), Researching children's perspectives, Buckingham ; Philadelphia, Open University Press, pp. 46-58
- Lindsay, Geoff, Lewis, Ann, 1999. Overview. In Lewis, Ann; Lindsay, Geoff (eds.), Researching children's perspectives, Buckingham ; Philadelphia, Open University Press, pp. 189-197
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1999. Researching children's perspectives : ethical issues. In Lewis, Ann; Lindsay, Geoff (eds.), Researching children's perspectives, Philadelphia, Open University Press, pp. 3-20
- Lindsay, Geoff, Desforges, Martin, 1998. Baseline assessment : practice, problems and possibilities. London, UK, David Fulton Publishers
- Lindsay, G., 1998. Concluding comments. In Norwich, B.; Lindsay, Geoff (eds.), Baseline assessment, Tamworth, NASEN, pp. 65-67
- Lindsay, G., 1998. Baseline assessment: a positive or malign influence?. In Norwich, B.; Lindsay, Geoff (eds.), Baseline assessment, Tamworth, NASEN, pp. 8-40
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1998. Ethical codes and ethical dilemmas. In Claudio, Victor (ed.), Psicologia e ética : actas do Colóquio Europeu de Psicologia e Ética : ISPA : Lisboa, 13 a 15 de março de 1996, Lisbon, ISPA, pp. 3-9
- Norwich, B., Lindsay, G., 1998. Baseline assessment. Tamworth, NASEN
- Lindsay, Geoff, Thompson, D., 1997. Values in special education. In Lindsay, Geoff; Thompson, David (eds.), Values into practice in special education, London, UK, D. Fulton Publishers, pp. 2-14
- Lindsay, Geoff, Thompson, D., 1997. Values and legislation. In Lindsay, Geoff; Thompson, David (eds.), Values into practice in special education, London, UK, D. Fulton Publishers, pp. 15-26
- Lindsay, Geoff, Thompson, D., 1997. Are we ready for inclusion?. In Lindsay, Geoff; Thompson, David (eds.), Values into practice in special education, London, UK, D. Fulton Publishers, pp. 89-105
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1997. Developing a quality psychological service. In Watson, Keith; Modgil, Celia; Modgi, Sohan (eds.), Educational dilemmas : debate and diversity. Vol. 4 Quality in education, London, UK, Cassell, pp. 103-117
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1996. Developing an ethical psychological practice. In Georgas, J.; Manthouli, M.; Besevegis, E.; Kokkevi, A. (eds.), Contemporary psychology in Europe : proceedings of the IVth European Congress of Psychology, Seattle, Hogrefe & Huber Publishers, pp. 317-329
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1995. Provision for special needs : early identification of special educational needs. In Lunt, Ingrid; Norwich, Brahm; Varma, Ved (eds.), Psychology and education for special needs : recent developments and future directions, Aldershot, Arena, pp. 7-24
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1995. Children assessment and education. In Bull, Ray; Carson, David (eds.), Handbook of psychology in legal contexts, Chichester ; New York, J. Wiley, pp. 67-80
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1993. Baseline assessment and special educational needs. Wolfendale, Sheila (ed.), Assessing special educational needs, London, UK, Cassell
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1992. Educational psychologist and Europe. In Wolfendale, Sheila; Bryans, T.; Fox, M.; Labram, A.; Sigston, A. (eds.), The Profession and practice of educational psychology : future directions, London, UK, Cassell, pp. 185-197
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1991. Research and its relation to policy. Leicester, British Psychological Society
- Clough, Peter, Lindsay, Geoff, 1991. Integration and the support service : changing roles in special education. Windsor, Berkshire, UK, NFER-Nelson
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1991. The educational psychologist in the new era. Lindsay, Geoff; Miller, Andy (eds.), Psychological services for primary schools, Harlow, Essex, UK, Longman
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1990. Special needs in the pre-school. Entwistle, Noel James (ed.), Handbook of educational ideas and practices, London, Routledge
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1990. Cognitive assessment. Harding, Leonora; Beech, John R. (eds.), Educational assessment of the primary school child, Windsor, NFER-Nelson
- Lindsay, Geoff, Quayle, R., Lewis, G., Jessop, C., 1990. Special educational needs review. Sheffield, City of Sheffield Local Education Authority
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1989. Educational psychology in England and Wales. In Saigh, Philip A.; Oakland, Thomas (eds.), International perspectives on psychology in the schools, Hillsdale, N. J., L. Erlbaum Associates, pp. 61-76
- Lindsay, Geoff, Wigley, V., Irving, M., 1989. Literacy and numeracy in YTS : a report by a Joint Training Agency-DES-ALBSU Working Group. Sheffield, Training Agency
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1986. Independent psychological opinions. In Lunt, Ingid; Sheppard, John (eds.), Participating parents : promise and practice, Leicester, British Psychological Society, pp. 123-129
- Pearson, Lea, Lindsay, Geoff, 1986. Special needs in the primary school : identification and intervention. Windsor, Nfer-Nelson
- Poppleton, P., Deas, R., Gray, J., Harrison, B., Lindsay, Geoff, Sharples, H., Thompson, D., 1985. Aspects of care in schools : good pastoral care in two comprehensive schools, the teachers' perspectives. Sheffield, Division of Education, University of Sheffield
- Lindsay, Geoff, Pearson, Lea, 1981. Identification and intervention : school based approaches. Oxford, T.R.C
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2008. Generalisability of ethical principles across Europe. International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany, July 20-25, 2008, Published in International Journal of Psychology, pp. 757-757
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2008. The cultural dimensions of a universal declaration of ethical principles for psychologists : a European perspective. International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany, July 20-25, 2008, Published in International Journal of Psychology, pp. 192-192
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2007. Ethical principles for psychologists across Eastern, Western and Aboriginal cultures : a discussion. 26th International congress of applied psychology, Athens, 16-21 Jul 2006, Published in International Congress of Applied Psychology (26 : 2006 : Athens)
- Clarkson, P., Lindsay, Geoff, 2000. Time for statutory registration : research and recommendations for the ethics and complaints procedure of psychology and psychotherapy. British Psychological Society London Conference, London, Dec 1999, Published in Proceedings of the British Psychological Society
- Rigby, A. S., Sanderson, C., Desforges, M. F., Lindsay, Geoff, Hall, D. M., 1999. The Infant Index : a new outcome measure for pre-school children's services. 1st Annual Meeting of the Royal-College-of-Paediatrics-and-Child-Health, York, UK, 15-18 Apr 1997, Published in Journal of Public Health Medicine, pp. 172-178
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1998. Baseline assessment : educational boon or potential disaster?. British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Brighton, April 1999, Published in Proceedings of the British Psychological Society
- Lindsay, Geoff, Winston, J., Thomas, R, Neelands, J., 2018. Evaluation of the Artis programme : team creativity 2018 - report to Hyundai Motor. Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research, University of Warwick
- Smith, E, Schrader-McMillan, A., Lindsay, Geoff, Barlow, Jane, 2018. A Better Start implementation evaluation workstream report 3 : transitioning into early delivery. Warwick Consortium ; National Lottery
- Cullen, Mairi Ann, Cullen, Stephen Michael, Lindsay, Geoff, 2017. A better start implementation evaluation workstream Report 2 - learning from the grant set up phase. Warwick Consortium
- Cullen, Mairi Ann, Cullen, Stephen Michael, Lindsay, Geoff, 2017. A better start implementation evaluation workstream report 1 - learning from the bid development phase. Warwick Consortium ; National Lottery
- Cullen, Mairi Ann, Lindsay, Geoff, Totsika, Vasiliki, Bakopoulou, Ioanna, Gray, Gemma, Cullen, Stephen Michael, Thomas, Ruth, Caton, Sally, Miller, Andy, 2017. Review of arrangements for disagreement resolution (SEND). Department of Education ; Ministy of Justice
- Cullen, Stephen Michael, Cullen, Mairi Ann, Lindsay, Geoff, 2015. Evaluation of Autism Education Trust Training Hubs Programme, 2013-15 : final report. University of Warwick. Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research
- Lindsay, Geoff, Cullen, Mairi Ann, Cullen, Stephen Michael, Totsika, Vasiliki, Bakopoulou, Ioanna, Goodlad, Susan, Brind, Richard, Pickering, Emily, Bryson , Caroline, Purdon, Susan, Conlon, Gavan, Mantovani, Iris, 2014. CANparent trial evaluation : final report. CEDAR, TNS-BMRB & BPSR
- Cullen, Mairi Ann, Cullen, Stephen Michael, Lindsay, Geoff, Hastings, Richard P., 2014. Evaluation of the ?Finished at School Programme' for Ambitious about Autism, 2013-2015 : interim report. Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research
- Cullen, Mairi Ann, Cullen, Stephen Michael, Lindsay, Geoff, 2014. Evaluation of Autism Education Trust Training Hubs Programme, 2013-15 : interim report. Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research
- Lindsay, Geoff, Cullen, Mairi Ann, Cullen, Stephen Michael, Totsika, Vasiliki, Goodlad, Susan, Brind, Richard, Pickering, Emily, Bryson , Caroline, Purdon, Susan, Conlon, Gavan, Mantovani, Iris, 2014. CANparent trial evaluation : final report research brief. CEDAR, TNS-BMRB & BPSR
- Cullen, Mairi Ann, Strand, Steve, Cullen, Stephen Michael, Lindsay, Geoff, 2014. CANparent trial evaluation : second interim report. CEDAR, TNS-BMRB & BPSR
- Lindsay, Geoff, Goodlad, Susan, 2013. An investigation of Key Stage 2 access arrangements procedures. Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research (CEDAR)
- Roulstone, Sue, Wren, Yvonne, Bakopoulou, Ioanna, Goodlad, Susan, Lindsay, Geoff, 2012. Exploring interventions for children and young people with speech, language and communication needs : a study of practice. Department for Education
- Roulstone, Sue, Coad, Jane, Ayre, Anne, Hambly, Helen, Lindsay, Geoff, 2012. The preferred outcomes of children with speech, language and communication needs and their parents. Department for Education
- Law, James, Lee, Wendy, Roulstone, Sue, Wren, Yvonne, Zeng, Biao, Lindsay, Geoff, 2012. 'What works' : interventions for children and young people with speech, language and communication needs - technical annex. Department for Education
- Dockrell, Julie E., Ricketts, Jessie, Lindsay, Geoff, 2012. Understanding speech, language and communication needs : profiles of need and provision (2012). Department for Education
- Hayhow, Rosemarie, Roulstone, Sue, White, Paul, Lindsay, Geoff, 2012. Prospective cohort study of speech and language therapy services for young children who stammer in England. Department for Education
- Lindsay, Geoff, Dockrell, Julie E., Law, James, Roulstone, Sue, 2012. The better communication research programme : improving provision for children and young people with speech, language and communication needs. Department for Education
- Roulstone, Sue, Lindsay, Geoff, 2012. The perspectives of children and young people who have speech, language and communication needs, and their parents. Department for Education
- Lindsay, Geoff, Dockrell, Julie E., 2012. The relationship between speech, language and communication needs and behavioural, emotional and social difficulties. Department for Education
- Meschi, Elena, Micklewright, John, Vignoles, Anna, Lindsay, Geoff, 2012. The transitions between categories of special educational needs of pupils with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) as they progress through the education system. Department for Education
- Cullen, Mairi Ann, Cullen, Stephen Michael, Lindsay, Geoff, Charman, Tony, 2012. Evaluation of autism education trust training hubs programme. First data capture report : pilot of level 1 training. CEDAR, University of Warwick
- Law, James, Lee, Wendy, Roulstone, Sue, Wren, Yvonne, Zeng, Biao, Lindsay, Geoff, 2012. 'What works' : interventions for children and young people with speech, language and communication needs. Department for Education
- Law, James, Beecham, Jennifer, Lindsay, Geoff, 2012. Effectiveness, costing and cost effectiveness of interventions for children and young people with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN). Department for Education
- Roulstone, Sue, Dockrell, Julie E., Bakopoulou, Ioanna, Law, James, Spencer, Sarah, Lindsay, Geoff, 2012. Developing a communication supporting classrooms observation tool. Department for Education
- Beecham, Jennifer, Law, James, Zeng, Biao, Lindsay, Geoff, 2012. Costing children's speech, language and communication interventions. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, Taylor & Francis Ltd, pp. 477-486
- Lindsay, Geoff, Dockrell, Julie, Law, James, Roulstone, Sue, Vignoles, Anna, 2011. Better communication research programme : first interim report. Department for Education
- Lindsay, Geoff, Dockrell, Julie, Law, James, Roulstone, Sue, 2011. Better communication research programme : second interim report. Department for Education
- Snowling, Margaret J., Hulme, Charles, Bailey, Alison M., Stothard, Susan E., Lindsay, Geoff, 2011. Better communication research programme : language and literacy attainment of pupils during early years and through KS2 : does teacher assessment at five provide a valid measure of children's current and future educational attainments?. Department for Education
- Lindsay, Geoff, Cullen, Mairi Ann, 2011. Evaluation of the Parenting Early Intervention Programme : a short report to inform local commissioning processes. Department for Education
- Lindsay, Geoff, Dockrell, Julie E., Law, James, Roulstone, Sue, 2011. Better communication research programme : 2nd interim report. Department for Education
- Meschi, Elena, Vignoles, Anna, Lindsay, Geoff, 2010. An investigation of pupils with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN). University of Warwick, CEDAR
- Lindsay, Geoff, Dockrell, Julie E., Law, James, Roulstone, Sue, Vignoles, Anna, 2010. Better communication research programme : 1st interim report. Department for Education
- Desforges, Martin, Lindsay, Geoff, 2010. Procedures used to diagnose a disability and to assess special educational needs : an international review. The National Council for Special Education
- Lindsay, Geoff, Shah, S., 2009. Multicultural diversity and special needs educuation. European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education
- Peacey, N., Lindsay, G., Brown, P., Russell, A., 2009. Increasing parents' confidence in the special educational needs system : study commissioned to inform the Lamb Inquiry : interim report. Department of Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
- Lindsay, Geoff, Shah, Sonali, 2009. Special educational needs and immigration/ethnicity : the English experience. European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education
- Peacey, N., Lindsay, G., Brown, P., Russell, A., 2009. Increasing parents' confidence in the special educational needs system : studies commissioned to inform the Lamb Inquiry - final report. University of Warwick
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2009. Parent support advisor pilot evaluation - a guide. Department for Children, Schools and Families
- Lindsay, Geoff, Desforges, M., Dockrell, J., Law, J., Peacey, N., Beecham, J., 2008. Effective and efficient use of resources in services for children and young people with speech, language and communication needs. Department for Children, Schools and Families
- Lindsay, Geoff, Cullen, Mairi Ann, Band, S., Cullen, Stephen Michael, Davis, L., 2008. Parent support advisor pilot evaluation : second interim report. Department for Children, Schools and Families
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2007. Review of Special teaching for special children? Pedagogies for inclusion, ed. by Lewis, A. and Norwich, B.. Educational Review, Taylor & Francis (Routledge), pp. 240-242
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2007. Educational psychology and the effectiveness of inclusive education/mainstreaming. British Journal of Educational Psychology, The British Psychological Society, pp. 1-24
- Day, C., Naysmith, C., Leveridge, R., Barlow, J., Davis, H., Fonagy, P., Lindsay, Geoff, Stewart-Brown, Sarah L., 2006. Personal and social development : scoping report- birth to five. Sure Start
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2006. Decoding the ethics code - A practical guide for psychologists. British Journal of Educational Psychology, The British Psychological Society, pp. 199-199
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2006. Ethical conflicts in psychology, 3rd edition. British Journal of Educational Psychology, The British Psychological Society, pp. 200-200
- Lindsay, Geoff, 2005. Review of Inclusive education : readings and reflections by Thomas, G and Vaughan, M.. British Journal of Educational Psychology, The British Psychological Society, pp. 147-148
- Coates, E., Lindsay, Geoff, Phillips, E., 2003. Sure Start Chelmsley Wood external evaluation. CEDAR, University of Warwick
- Lindsay, Geoff, Muijs, Daniel, Hartas, D., Phillips, E., 2002. The National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth : evaluation of the first Talent Search and Summer School. CEDAR, University of Warwick
- Lindsay, Geoff, Maguire, M., 2002. Modelling the potential implications of graduation on 16 year olds in three geographical areas. Department for Education and Employment
- Lindsay, Geoff, Dockrell, Julie, Mackie, C., Letchford, B., 2002. Educational provision for children with specific speech and language difficulties : report to the Nuffield Foundation. CEDAR, University of Warwick
- Lindsay, Geoff, Lewis, Ann, Phillips, Emma, 2000. Evaluation of accredited baseline assessment schemes 1999/2000. CEDAR, University of Warwick
- Wolfendale, Sheila, Lindsay, Geoff, 1999. Guest editorial : issues in baseline assessment. Journal of Research in Reading, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd, pp. 1-7
- Cotton, L. J., Williams, T. S., Brazier, J. E., Lindsay, Geoff, Marsh, P., Polnay, L., Hall, D. M. B., 1998. Purchasing of Community Child Health Services - how and how much?. University of Sheffield
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1998. Author's response to peer commentary. The Psychology of Education Review, The British Psychological Society, pp. 22-23
- Lindsay, Geoff, Pumfrey, P., Hannon, P., Topping, K., 1991. Reading standards. The Psychologist
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1991. Integration and beyond : provision for children with special educational needs in the 1990s. Hong Kong Psychological Society
- Lindsay, Geoff, Dale, P., 1982. The integration of children with special educational needs into nursery schools. British Psychological Society
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1981. Full frontal psychology: human sexuality and the training of educational psychologists. British Psychological Society
- Lindsay, Geoff, 1979. The infant rating scale : some evidence for its validity from a selected sample of children. British Psychological Society
Title | Funder | Award start | Award end |
Evaluation of 'Fulfilling Lives: A Better Start' | Big Lottery Fund | 01 Oct 2013 | 30 Sept 2024 |
Evaluators' Panel | Education Endowment Foundation | 01 Jun 2019 | 31 May 2024 |
REducing the risk of criminal exploitation using multiSystEmic Therapy | Youth Endowment Fund | 01 Nov 2019 | 31 Jan 2022 |
Understanding and supporting the psychological wellbeing of fathers of children with Intellectual Disability (ID) (Postdoc Fellowship - Emma Langley) | ESRC | 01 Oct 2019 | 31 Jul 2021 |
SEND evidence review | Education Endowment Foundation | 01 Mar 2019 | 01 Mar 2020 |
Early Positive Approaches to Support (E-PAtS) for families of young children with intellectual disability: Feasibility study | National Institute for Health Research (DoH) | 01 Jan 2018 | 31 Oct 2019 |
Independent study of the impact of a workshop on training for staff of Hyundai Motor Group implemented by Artis | Artis Education Limited | 01 Aug 2018 | 31 Oct 2018 |
Pluralisation, the welfare state and civil associations | Research Council of Norway | 01 Aug 2014 | 30 Jun 2018 |
RSC survey based quantitative research project | Royal Shakespeare Company | 01 Mar 2017 | 31 Mar 2018 |
Independent study of workshop impact | Artis Education Limited | 24 Jan 2017 | 23 Jan 2018 |
An Evaluation of the impact of the Early Intervation Foundation (EIF) | Early Intervention Foundation | 21 Nov 2014 | 15 Oct 2017 |
BCC Inclusion Commission | Birmingham City Council | 08 Aug 2016 | 07 Aug 2017 |
Evaluate the state-wide rollout of Triple P in Queensland | ADASIS Consulting Pty Limited | 01 Aug 2016 | 31 May 2017 |
Review of arrangements for disagreement resolution (SEND) | Department for Education | 01 Apr 2015 | 31 Mar 2017 |
Innovation Fund: Help and Support for Separated Families ? Main Stage Evaluation of Round 1 & 2 Projects | Department for Work and Pensions | 01 Feb 2015 | 31 Jul 2016 |
Evaluation of Parent Gym classes. | Mind Gym Limited | 01 Sept 2015 | 31 Mar 2016 |
Evaluation of Universal Parenting classes - 2014-15 | Department of Health | 30 Jun 2014 | 29 Mar 2015 |
A survey of Mathematical Anxiety among existing apprentices | Gatsby Charitable Foundation | 01 Jun 2014 | 30 Sept 2014 |
Evaluation of Universal Parenting classes | Department for Education | 01 Apr 2012 | 31 Mar 2014 |
Big lottery fund - Sub Project | Big Lottery Fund | 01 Oct 2013 | 31 Jan 2014 |
Breaking the cycle through social investment | Addaction | 01 Jun 2012 | 30 Nov 2013 |
Investigation of Key Stage 2 access arrangement procedures | Department for Education | 12 Oct 2012 | 31 Mar 2013 |
Evaluation of two Addaction projects: Childrens Centre Project and skills4change Programme | Addaction | 04 Jul 2011 | 29 Mar 2013 |
AET Programme Evaluation | Autism Education Trust (AET) | 11 Nov 2011 | 01 Mar 2013 |
Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) Cost-Effectiveness Research Programme | Department for Children, Schools and Families | 01 Sept 2009 | 31 Aug 2012 |
A Headstart at School for Children in Poverty | The Save the Children Fund | 17 Mar 2011 | 01 Sept 2011 |
Supplement to 23168: Evaluation of impact of DCSF investment in initiatives designed to improve teacher workforce skills in relation to SEN and Disabilities | Department for Education | 03 Nov 2010 | 31 Mar 2011 |
Evaluation of impact of DCSF investment in initiatives designed to improve teacher workforce skills in relation to SEN and disabilities | Department for Children, Schools and Families | 30 Dec 2008 | 31 Mar 2011 |
Parenting Early Intervention Programme | Department for Children, Schools and Families | 01 Sept 2008 | 31 Mar 2011 |
SEN and disability niche framework: Lot 1 Lamb Inquiry | Department for Children, Schools and Families | 18 Jan 2010 | 28 Feb 2010 |
Review of the Dance and Drama Awards Scheme | Learning and Skills Council (Coventry) | 01 Jul 2009 | 31 Dec 2009 |
Evaluation of the parent support advisor pilot - Tender | Department for Education and Skills | 01 Sept 2006 | 31 Aug 2009 |
Stand up for Shakespeare - RSC Learning and Performance Network | Training and Development Agency for Schools | 12 Jan 2009 | 31 Mar 2009 |
International review of the diagnostic procedures/tools used to diagnose a disability and the assessment procedures/tools used to identify the special educational needs arising from the diagnosed disability | National Council for Special Education (Ireland) | 01 Aug 2008 | 31 Dec 2008 |
Evaluation of early intervention path finders | Department for Education and Skills | 01 Sept 2006 | 31 Dec 2008 |
Evaluation of the Parent Support Advisor Pilot | Department for Children, Schools and Families | 01 Oct 2006 | 20 Dec 2008 |
Managing Research Projects: Supporting Researchers in Collaborative Project Management | ESRC | 01 Oct 2005 | 30 Sept 2008 |
Visit of Dr Saadia Tayyab to CEDAR | Higher Education Commission of Pakistan | 01 Sept 2007 | 31 Aug 2008 |
Contract Amendment - Raising the achievement of children: sub-contract with Institute of Education, London | The Institute of Education | 01 May 2005 | 31 Aug 2008 |
Bercow Review: The Effective and Efficient use of Resources in Services for Children and Young People with Speech, Language and Communication Difficulties | Department for Children, Schools and Families | 22 Jan 2008 | 21 Jun 2008 |
Research Mentors and action research support | Arts Council of England | 01 Apr 2007 | 31 Mar 2008 |
Supplement to Evaluation of the parent Support and Advisor Pilot - First Cleaning of LA databases | Department for Children, Schools and Families | 01 Oct 2006 | 31 Mar 2008 |
Nagty - evaluation of the summer - school programme 2005 - 2008 | National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth | 01 Jul 2005 | 31 Mar 2008 |
Towards an Holistic Institutional Approach to Pedagogy and Servicing student Needs | Arts Educational Schools London (artsed) | 01 Oct 2007 | 28 Feb 2008 |
Evaluation of the NAGTY GOAL programme | National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth | 01 Mar 2007 | 28 Feb 2008 |
Closing The Gap | Warwickshire County Council | 01 Sept 2007 | 31 Dec 2007 |
Supplement to PEIP + Time to Talk Project | Department for Education and Skills | 01 Sept 2007 | 31 Oct 2007 |
Evaluation of the Federations Programme - Extension | Department for Education and Skills | 01 Nov 2003 | 31 Mar 2007 |
Evaluation of summer schools programme - extension to 16562 | National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth | 01 Aug 2006 | 31 Jan 2007 |
Minority Ethnic Pupils in the Longitudinal Study of Young People in Education | Department for Education and Skills | 01 Aug 2006 | 31 Jan 2007 |
Schools as Creative Beacons | Arts Council of England | 01 Jun 2006 | 31 Dec 2006 |
Speed and Language Therapy Support for Children with SEN | Canterbury Christ Church University | 01 Apr 2006 | 30 Sept 2006 |
Evaluation of Federations Programme | Department for Education and Skills | 01 Nov 2003 | 30 Sept 2006 |
Raising the achievement of children: sub-contract with Institute of Education, London | The Institute of Education | 01 May 2005 | 31 Aug 2006 |
Evaluation of the Early Support Pilot - Chelmsley Wood | Early Support (National Childrens Bureau) | 01 Jan 2006 | 31 Jul 2006 |
Supplement - Evolution of the Early Support Pilot - Chelmsley Wood | Early Support (National Childrens Bureau) | 01 Jan 2006 | 31 Jul 2006 |
Evaluation of the National Academy of Gifted and Talented Youth Entrepreneurship Programme. | National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth | 01 Sept 2004 | 31 Jul 2006 |
An Investigation of Key Performance Indicators for the Information Service, University of Birmingham. | University of Birmingham | 01 Mar 2006 | 31 Mar 2006 |
Electronic Registration Project | Department for Education and Skills | 01 Sept 2002 | 24 Mar 2006 |
Evaluation of the Dance and Drama Award Scheme | Department for Education and Skills | 01 Feb 2003 | 31 Jan 2006 |
Evaluation of the Dance and Drama Award Scheme | Department for Education and Skills | 01 Feb 2003 | 31 Jan 2006 |
Special Education Needs and Ethnicity - A Literature Review | Department for Education and Skills | 31 Jul 2005 | 31 Dec 2005 |
KTP Project with Leicester City West Primary Care NHS Trust | Leicester City West Primary Care Group | 01 Jan 2004 | 31 Dec 2005 |
Identification of pupils for membership of NAGTY - a review of current practice. | National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth | 01 Nov 2005 | 30 Nov 2005 |
A Study of Boys Underachievement within the Oldham Federation | Grange School | 01 Apr 2005 | 31 Jul 2005 |
Young peoples levels of aspiration | Birmingham City Council | 01 Apr 2005 | 31 Jul 2005 |
Teaching Creatively and Teaching for Creativity through the Arts in Solihull Research Project | Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council | 01 Jan 2004 | 31 Jul 2005 |
Pilot of personal development plans for students at the university of warwick - an evaluation. | Higher Education Funding Council for England | 01 Mar 2005 | 30 Jun 2005 |
KTP IP Contract | Leicester City West Primary Care Group | 31 Mar 2004 | 31 Mar 2005 |
Evaluation of PGCE Plus | Gatsby Charitable Foundation | 14 Jan 2004 | 13 Jan 2005 |
Evaluation of National Childrens Homes | National Childrens Homes Sure Start (Chelmsley Wood) | 01 Jan 2004 | 31 Dec 2004 |
Nagty evaluation of the second multi - site summer school programme 2004. | National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth | 01 Jul 2004 | 30 Nov 2004 |
Educational Provision of children with specific speech & language difficulties - the investigation of good practice. | Nuffield Foundation | 01 Jan 2003 | 30 Jun 2004 |
SAND | British Educational Communications and Technology Agency | 11 Nov 2002 | 01 Dec 2003 |
Nagty Evaluation of the first multi-site summer school programme 2003. | National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth | 01 Jul 2003 | 30 Nov 2003 |
Evaluation of the Key Stage 2 Language Learning Pathfinders | Department for Education and Skills | 01 Sept 2003 | 30 Sept 2003 |
Raising Educational Standards | London Borough of Newham | 28 Oct 2002 | 30 Sept 2003 |
Heads You Win | Esmee Fairburn Charitable Trust | 01 Aug 1999 | 31 Dec 2002 |