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Prof Gwen Van der Velden

Job Title
Education Studies
Research Interests

Leading Educational Transformation in Higher Education
Organisational Culture in Higher Education contexts
Reconstruction of Education during war, crisis and conflict
Student Engagement and Institutional Engagement with Students
Trans Inclusive Education


I joined Warwick in 2016, having previously worked at Bath, Kent and the Radboud University (NL). I started out as the Founding Director for the Warwick International Higher Education Academy (WIHEA) and in 2020 became Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor (Education), leading on online assessment for the University during Covid, on student engagement and enhancing the student experience, inclusive education and assessment specifically, and finally supporting the achievement of TEF Gold for Warwick. 2023/24 was a sabbatical year during which I worked with Dr Bo Kelestyn on a programme for Transformational Leadership of Education in Ukraine (whole sector, all levels including policy). Reconstruction and transformation of Education during war, crisis and conflict is where my current academic work is developing and continuing.

In previous roles I have led on engagement with the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, chair the national steering group for the National Student Survey, been a member or chaired various national networks and organisations, and worked at cross sector policy level. Based on this work I became a National Teaching Fellow in 2018 and gained Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy status in 2016.

International engagement is key to my work, having been educated in the Netherlands and worked in UK Higher Education. Through the British Council I have worked with various HE institutions in India, and more recently Ukraine. Various other international collaborations and projects have taught me the value of intercultural academic exchange to broaden our understanding and appreciation of knowledge and insights.

  • van der Velden, Gwen, 2013. Staff perceptions of student engagement. In Dunne, Elisabeth; Owen, Derfel (eds.), Student Engagement Handbook : practice in higher education, UK, Emerald Group Publishing Bingley, pp. 77-92
  • van der Velden, Gwen, 2009. Staff development for interdisciplinary programs. In Chandramohan, Balasubramanyam; Fallows, Stephen J. (eds.), Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, New York, NY, Routledge, pp. 76-83