Early childhood education
Child wellbeing
Child safety
Artificial Intelligence
Nomisha joined the Department in September 2024, following academic posts at the University of Cambridge. Her current research focuses on Artificial Intelligence in relation to children's wellbeing and development. She is the first Education specialist to win the University of Cambridge Applied Research Award for "outstanding real-world impact" and also the recipient of the Cambridge Vice-Chancellor's Social Impact Award for "exceptional achievement in social change". At Warwick, she teaches on undergraduate modules relating to Early Childhood Education and Research Methods.
Nomisha enjoys partnering with impact-driven organisations to convert her research into on-the-ground change. Spanning Ethiopia, South Africa, India, USA, Mali, Lebanon, and Colombia, she has cherished working with diverse organisations such as the World Bank and the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies. From the windswept coasts of Norfolk to inner-city London, she has also enjoyed working with over 300 low-income youth across the UK.
She holds a PhD in Education from the University of Cambridge. Previously, she was at Yale University as a Charles and Julia Henry Fellow.
- Kurian, Nomisha, Hajir, Basma, Kester, Kevin, 2024. Protecting and supporting children and women affected by gender-based violence : the role of education in survivor wellbeing. Journal of Peace Education
- Kurian, Nomisha, Hajir, Basma, 2024. Should we stop talking about empathy? : virtual reality, refugee children and the ethics of technology-mediated moral education. Journal of Moral Education, 53 (4), pp. 699-716
- Kurian, Nomisha, 2024. Building inclusive, multicultural Early Years classrooms : strategies for a culturally responsive ethic of care. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52 (5), pp. 863-878
- Hajir, Basma, McInerney, William W., Kurian, Nomisha, 2024. Syrian refugees? vision for quality education in a Lebanese public school: a participatory visual research. Visual Studies
- Kurian, Nomisha, 2024. ?No, Alexa, no!? : designing child-safe AI and protecting children from the risks of the ?empathy gap? in large language models. Learning, Media and Technology
- Kurian, Nomisha, 2023. AI's empathy gap : the risks of conversational Artificial Intelligence for young children's well-being and key ethical considerations for early childhood education and care. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood
- Moulin-Sto?ek, Daniel, Kurian, Nomisha, Nikolova, Afrodita, 2022. Virtue as a response to pandemic and crisis. Oxford Review of Education, 48 (3), pp. 289-302
- Hajir, Basma, Clarke-Habibi, Sara, Kurian, Nomisha, 2022. The ?South? speaks back : exposing the ethical stakes of dismissing resilience in conflict-affected contexts. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 16 (1), pp. 1-17
- Cremin, Hilary, Aryoubi, Hogai, Hajir, Basma, Kurian, Nomisha, Salem, Hiba, 2021. Post?abyssal ethics in education research in settings of conflict and crisis : stories from the field. British Educational Research Journal, 47 (4), pp. 1102-1119
- Culshaw, Suzanne, Kurian, Nomisha, 2021. Love as the lifeblood of being-well : a call for care for teachers in England?s schools. Pastoral Care in Education, 39 (3), pp. 269-290
- Kurian, Nomisha, 2020. ?Kindness isn?t important, we need to be scared? : disruptions to the praxis of peace education in an Indian school. Journal of Peace Education, 17 (2), pp. 186-207
- Kurian, Nomisha, 2020. Rights-protectors or rights-violators? Deconstructing teacher discrimination against LGBT students in England and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as an advocacy tool. The International Journal of Human Rights, 24 (8), pp. 1080-1102
- Kurian, Nomisha, 2019. Empathy : simple and inevitable? Development education and narratives of African poverty. International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning, 11 (1), pp. 120-137
- Kurian, Nomisha, Kester, Kevin, 2019. Southern voices in peace education : interrogating race, marginalisation and cultural violence in the field. Journal of Peace Education, 16 (1), pp. 21-48
- Kurian, Nomisha, Rajala, Antti, 2023. Building cultures of compassion for children, teachers and families : a critical and context-sensitive lens. In Archer, David Tim; Hajir, Basma; McInerney, William W. (eds.), Innovations in Peace and Education Praxis, Routledge, pp. 48-64
- Kurian, Nomisha, Cremin, Hilary, 2023. Helping young people feel that they matter : nurturing students? Eudaimonic well-being and their capacity to build peace. In Trifonas, Peter Pericles; Jagger, Susan (eds.), Handbook of Curriculum Theory and Research, Springer, pp. 1-19
- Kurian, Nomisha, 2022. School as a sanctuary : trauma-informed care to nurture child well-being in high-poverty schools. Lee, Wing On; Brown, Phillip; Goodwin, A. Lin; Green, Andy (eds.), International Handbook on Education Development in Asia-Pacific, Springer Singapore
- Kurian, Nomisha, 2023. Review of The art teacher?s guide to exploring art and design in the community. Pastoral Care in Education, Taylor & Francis, pp. 511-512
- Kurian, Nomisha, 2021. Review of Transforming education : reimagining learning, pedagogy and curriculum. Pastoral Care in Education, Taylor & Francis, pp. 401-403