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Welcome Week information

What to expect in Welcome Week

Welcome Week is a very special time for us in Education Studies. We love meeting our new students, welcoming them to the Department and helping them start to feel at home. We are a small and very friendly community and you can expect a warm welcome and the chance to meet lots of staff and find out all about your course. You can find full timetable details of all Education Studies events during the week on the University’s Welcome webpages and here is an overview of what to expect.

(We will also add any resources used here)

Monday 23 September

10:00-12:00 - Welcome To Education Studies
Woods-Scawen Room, Arts Centre

You will receive a very warm welcome at this Welcome to Education Studies session. This is your first opportunity to meet key staff in the Department, to start to get to know other students, and to find out what to expect from Welcome Week and the start of your course.

Tuesday 24 September

10:00-12:00 - Welcome to BA Education
Room S0.18, ground floor of the Social Sciences Building

An introduction to studying BA Educationfrom Dr Mark Pulsford, Director of Undergraduate Study and Dr Juliet Raynsford, Course Leader for BA Education.

Wednesday 25 September

10:00-12:00 - Studying BA Education - More Essential Information
Room S0.18, ground floor of the Social Sciences Building.

More essential information about your course and studying at Warwick from Dr Mark Pulsford, Director of Undergraduate Study and Dr Juliet Raynsford, Course Leader for BA Education. You'll also hear all about the Peer Mentor Scheme and how you'll be matched to a mentor who'll be there to offer you help and support.

Thursday 26 September: Education Studies Community Day for all new students

10:00-12:00 - Find Out More About Being a Student in Education Studies
Warwick Arts Centre Theatre

This session is led by the Student Experience Team who'll be telling you all about the events and opportunities offered by Education Studies, including academic skills sessions, social events, career planning workshops, and the chance to gain experience in a school. You will also hear about our Education Studies community and the support we will be offering you.

12:00-14:00 - Team Orientation Challenge and Lunch Break

Follow the fun clues in teams to find your way around the beautiful Warwick campus, followed by a lunch break.

14:00-16:00 - Celebrating the New Education Studies Community
Warwick Arts Centre Theatre

Some of our returning students will share their experiences and advice with you to help you make the most of the year. You will also meet more staff from Education Studies and take part in some informal welcome activities, all designed to help you feel at home.

16:00-17:30 - Education Studies Social Event
Rootes Restaurant

Time to relax at the end of a busy few days! Join us for pizza and drinks.

Please make sure that you attend all the Education Studies events
They are so important and will really help you to settle into life at Warwick and your course

If you are unable to attend Welcome Week

Please do not worry as we know it is not always possible to be at Warwick in time for Welcome Week. We will be running a Welcome Week refresher session for everyone who is not able to attend Welcome Week, and for anyone who would like to hear key information again.