La gestion des émeutes: leçons d'Outre Manche
This book offers a comparison of ethnic relations in Britain and France with a stronger emphasis on Britain. Chapter one establishes the historical legacy of Empire and the configuration of immigrant populations in both countries . Looking at the development of immigration and ethnic relations since World War II, the book then articulates in great detail three paradigms for the conceptualisation of ethnic relations in Britain: race relations, ethnic minority communities and Islam. Chapter two thus examines the development of immigration and anti-discrimination legislation since WWII , it signal the importance role played by the fact that all Commonwealth immigrants were considered British citizens on taking up residence in Britain; this chapter culminates into an analysis of the riots in the 1980s . In chapter three the book turns to the study of policies informed by anti-racism, equal opportunity and multiculturalism; the application of those policies is considered through dedicated sections on the police, education and employment. Chapter four looks at ethnic communities, immigrants’ associations and ethnic minorities’ mode of collective action. Islam and Muslim communities form the focus of the following chapter; this includes issues pertaining to the institutionalisation of Islam, Muslim mobilisation and anti-terrorist measures; special attention is paid to the question of young Muslims and Muslim women. The book then traces the evolution of French immigration and integration policies over the same historical period; it points to the contrast with the British situation, immigrants perceived as temporary foreign workers being long ignored by public policies. This substantial chapter discusses current controversies surrounding questions such as ‘ethnicity’, ‘communautarisme’ and ‘laicite’; Islam and Muslim populations also figure prominently in this chapter. An examination of the riots in France (2005) and Britain (80s) compares and contrasts the two national situations with regards to events, causes, consequences and interpretations. The book concludes with a discussion of what lessons can be learned from this study. This is the only book of this kind to be published in French so far.
Project contact: Professor Daniele Joly.