Prevention and Fight Against Trafficking: Institutional Developments in Europe (RefTra)
Financed by the European Commission, DG Department Justice and Home Affairs under the STOP11 initiative.
Trafficking in human beings represents a particularly inhuman form of crime which has increased in importance during the last 20 years in Europe. Governments and international organisations have strengthened their efforts to prevent trafficking, to protect the victims, and to prosecute the traders. Since the mid 1990s there has been increased coordination of these measures at a European level.
This project will analyse the policies of all member states concerning the prevention and fight against trafficking. At the end of the project a European conference will be organised and recommendations on good practices will be developed.
Project partners:
- Berlin Institute for Comparative Social Research
- Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick
- Dipartimento di Science Dell Educazione, University of Florence
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