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Population Statistics

CRER/ESRC guide to information sources on population and ethnic minorities in the UK.

Much of the available data and analysis on ethnic minority populations in the UK is based on figures derived from the 1991 Census. Selected data from the 2001 Census is now available from the ONS Census home page. See Monographs and Reports and Web Resources, below, for specific data and publications.

Resources listed by type:

icon - journal

Labour Force Survey data

arec_jour.jpg Population Trends
Monographs and Reports
icon - monograph

Census 2001: National Report for England and Wales


1991 Census Ethnic Group and Country of Birth Great Britain Volume 1 and 2


Ethnicity in the 1991 Census:Volume 1: Demographic characteristics of the ethnic minority
Volume 2: The ethnic minority populations of Great Britain
Volume 3: Social geography and ethnicity in Britain: geographical spread, spatial concentration and internal migration
Volume 4: Employment, education and housing among the ethnic minority populations of Britain

brec_mon.jpg The Demographic Characteristics of Immigrant Populations
brec_mon.jpg Minority Ethnic Participation and Achievements in Education, Training and the Labour Market
brec_mon.jpg NEMDA 1991 Census Statistical Papers
brec_mon.jpg Social Focus on Ethnic Minorities
brec_mon.jpg The British Population: patterns, trends and processes
brec_mon.jpg Without Prejudice: Exploring Ethnic Differences in London
Web resources
icon - web resource Office for National Statistics 2001 Census data
crec_int.jpg Census 2001 - Ethnicity and religion in England and Wales
crec_int.jpg Census Knowledge Base
crec_int.jpg National Ethnic Minority Data Archive
crec_int.jpg Eurostat -- European Commission Statistics
crec_int.jpg About Bradford - Census Information
crec_int.jpg Ethnic Minority Population Statistics for Birmingham (1980's)
crec_int.jpg Oldham Borough Information
crec_int.jpg Scoping Study for a National Survey of Scotland's Minority Ethnic Population

Without prejudice: exploring ethnic differences in London

Information services
icon - information service Population Estimates Unit, Office for National Statistics
Telephone enquiry service: 01329 813453 Provision of population estimates by ethnic group broken down by age, gender, region.