Paolo's Projects
CRER Associate Fellow
Paolo Ruspini
[Projects] [Books] [Contribution to Books] [Articles] [Other Publications] |
A. Projects
2006 - "A Pilot Study on Four Key EU Member and Candidate Countries on the Demand for Trafficked Prostitution (HOW MUCH?)" commissioned by the European Commission, Justice, Freedom and Security DG to the ISMU Foundation in the AGIS 2005 Framework Programme. Activity: research on policies and practises that affect the demand for trafficked prostitution
2005 - External expert in the Cluster A1 of the IMISCOE (European Network of Excellence in the domain of International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion) network. Activity: research on the Swiss modes of migration control in the context of further European integration
2005 - 2006 "European Identity and European Cultures" supported by the ISMU Foundation, Milan. Activity: research on policies and practices at national and EU level to forge and promote an inclusive European culture
2005 "Study on Immigration, Integration and Social Cohesion" commissioned by the European Commission, Employment and Social Affairs DG to Focus Consultancy & Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). Activity: research as country expert on the social protection of immigrants in Italy
2004 - 2005 "Immigrants' Integration Paths and Active Labour Policies: National and International Experiences" supported by the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies in the Metropolis International Project framework. Activity: research on EU policy and legislation concerning immigrants' integration in selected areas of life, search for best practices and critical issues
2002 - 2003 "Illegal Women Migration in the Enlarged European Space. Migrants' Integration Strategies and Transnational Support Policies" commissioned by the ISMU Foundation, Milan. Activity: design of the research project for the EU Community Initiative INTERREG III B CADSES programme
2000 - 2002 "Irregular Sub-Saharan Immigration through and towards Morocco" supported by the International Labour Office (ILO) Geneva. Activity: research and co-author of the final publication
2000 "Combating Social Exclusion: Minority Organisations in Civil Dialogue" supported by the European Commission and co-ordinated by Regionale Arbeitstellen für Ausländerfragen, Jugendarbeit und Schule e.V. (RAA) Berlin. Activity: research and co-author of the final publication
2000 "Citizens Organise Networks against Discrimination" (CITNET) supported by the European Commission and co-ordinated by the Berlin Institute for Comparative Research, Berlin. Activity: research and author of the final publication
(1999 - 2000 "Towards an Emerging Ethclass" and "Easy Scapegoats: 'Sans-Papiers' Immigrants in Europe" supported by the European Commission and co-ordinated by the Freudenberg Foundation, Weinheim, Germany. Activity: co-ordination of the Italian research teams and editor of the final reports
1999 "Multicultural Policies and Modes of Citizenship in European Cities" supported by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) Paris and co-ordinated by the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies (IMES) Amsterdam. Activity: participation in workshop activities
1999-2000 "Raxen Network" set up by the European Union Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC), Vienna. Activity: participation in conferences and workshop
1999 "Preventing, controlling, governing the migratory flows towards Southern Europe" supported by the European Commission, Odysseus Program and co-ordinated by the ISMU Foundation, Milan. Activity: planning, organisation and chairing of seminars addressed to immigration officers and practitioners of selected European countries
1997 "Journey in the Europe of Cultures" a multimedia publication on multicultural aspects of Europe realised by the ISMU Foundation in co-operation with Centre pour l'Egalité des Chances et la Lutte contre le Racisme, Brussels. Activity: planning, design, co-author of the Cd-Rom texts
B. Books
(2004) Migration in the New Europe: East-West Revisited, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan (co-editor: A. Górny) (ISBN: 1-4039-3550-5)
C. Contribution to Books
(2006) "Allargamento europeo e identità europea" ("EU Enlargement and European Identity"), in Fondazione ISMU, Undicesimo Rapporto sulle migrazioni 2005 (Eleventh Report on Migration 2005), Milan: Franco Angeli, pp. 389-399 (ISBN: 88-464-7502-X)
(2005) "Il quadro attuale dell'Unione europea. Immigrazione, integrazione, occupazione" ("The EU Current State of Play. Immigration, Integration, Employment"), in M. Lombardi (ed) Percorsi di integrazione degli immigrati e politiche attive del lavoro (Paths of Immigrant Integration and Active Labour Policies), Milano: Franco Angeli, pp. 15-26
(2005) "Da dieci a venticinque: il nuovo spazio europeo" ("From 10 to 25: the New European Space"), in Fondazione ISMU, Decimo Rapporto sulle migrazioni 2004. Dieci anni di immigrazione in Italia (Tenth Report on Migration 2004. Ten Years of Immigration in Italy), Milan: Franco Angeli, pp. 317-330 (ISBN: 88-464-6431-1)
(2004) "A Mirror Image? The Emerging United States of Europe", in B. Henry, A. Loretoni (eds) The Emerging European Union. Identity, Citizenship, Rights, Pisa: Edizioni ETS, pp. 189-204 (ISBN: 88-467-1121-1)
(2004) "Forging a Common Immigration Policy for the Enlarging European Union: for Diversity of Harmonization", in A. Górny, P. Ruspini (eds) Migration in the New Europe: East-West Revisited, Palgrave-Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 247-277 (co-author: A. Górny) (ISBN: 1-4039-3550-5)
(2004) "Lo spazio migratorio della Ue allargata: Russia e repubbliche ex-sovietiche. Nuovi confini migratori" ("The Migration Space of the Enlarged EU: Russia and Former Soviet Republics. New Borders for Migration"), in Fondazione ISMU, Nono Rapporto sulle migrazioni 2003 (Ninth Report on Migration 2003), Milan: Franco Angeli, pp. 331-341(ISBN: 88-464-5690-4)
(2003) "Migratory Flows and Policies in the New European Space", in S. Giusti, L. Tajoli, (eds) Convergence in the Enlarged European Union, Milan: Egea-ISPI, pp. 221-241 (ISBN:88-238-4047-3)
(2003) "L'area dell'Unione europea" ("The European Union Area"), in Fondazione ISMU, Ottavo Rapporto sulle migrazioni 2002 (Eighth Report on Migration 2002), Milan: Franco Angeli, pp. 269-277 (ISBN: 88-464-4729-8)
(2002) "L'area dell'Unione europea" ("The European Union Area"), in Fondazione ISMU, Settimo Rapporto sulle migrazioni 2001 (Seventh Report on Migration 2001), Milan: Franco Angeli, pp. 263-270 (ISBN: 88-464-3897-3)
(2001) "I paesi dell'Unione europea" ("The European Union Countries"), in Fondazione Cariplo ISMU, Sesto Rapporto sulle Migrazioni 2000 (Sixth Report on Migration 2000), Milan: Franco Angeli, pp. 225-233 (ISBN: 88-464-2970-2)
(2000) "I paesi dell'Unione europea" ("The European Union Countries"), in Fondazione Cariplo ISMU, Quinto Rapporto sulle Migrazioni 1999 (Fifth Report on Migration 1999), Milan: Franco Angeli, pp. 213-219 (ISBN: 88-464-1815-8)
(2000) "Living on the Edge: Irregular Immigrants in Italy", in D. Çinar, A. Gächter, H. Waldrauch (eds) Irregular Migration: Dynamics, Impact, Policy Options, Eurosocial Report Vol. 67, Vienna: European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, pp. 81-93 (ISBN: 3-900376-93-X)
(2000) "Nuovi modi di pensare l'Europa" ("New Ways of Thinking of Europe"), in Fondazione Cariplo ISMU, Una bussola per l'Europa (A Compass for Europe) Milan: Hoepli-Fondazione Cariplo ISMU, pp. 91-95
D. Articles
(2006) "Forms and Features of the Post-Enlargement Migration Space", The Romanian Journal of European Studies, No. 4/2005, Timisoara: West University of Timisoara, pp. 9-18, (ISSN: 1583 - 199X)
(2005) "Public Policies and Community Services for Immigrant Integration: Italy and the European Union", Global Migration Perspectives, No. 45, Geneva: Global Commission on International Migration, 30 p. At
(2004) "Overview of Public Policies and NGOs Services for Immigrants' Integration in Italy", Galileu - Revista de Economia e Direito, Vol. IX, No. 1, Lisbon: Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, pp. 9-30 (ISSN: 0873-495X)
(2004) "Between East and West: Migration in the Enlarging European Union", Siirtolaisuus-Migration, Vol. 30, No. 1, Turku: Institute of Migration, pp. 3-9 (ISSN 0355-3779)
(2002) "Transatlantic Ties", CSD Bulletin, Vol. 9, No. 2, London: Centre for the Study of Democracy - University of Westminster, pp. 17-18 (ISSN: 1461-4510)
(1999) "Iraq and the Strategy of Dual Containment", Defense Analysis, Vol. 15, No. 1, London: Carfax Publishing, pp. 93-98 (ISSN: 0743-0175)
E. Other Publications
(2006) "The EU Eastward Enlargement and the Migration Space. Social and Political Consequences", Working Paper Crocevia, Turin: International and European Forum on Migration Research (FIERI), 27 April 2006, 15 p.,
(2005) "The New EU Migration Space", Discussion Paper, 2004-5/MWG/3, Florence: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, 2 March 2005, 17 p.
(2003) "Overview of Public Policies and NGOs Services for Immigrants' Integration in Italy", in M. J. Fischer, P. Ruspini, N. Glytsos, H. Kabeolova, Models preventing discrimination of immigrants. What can we learn from European and American experience? - conference proceedings, Warsaw: Institute of Public Affairs, pp. 10-29
(2002) "Lutte contre l'immigration irréguliere en Italie" ("Fight against Irregular Immigration in Italy"), in L'immigration irreguliere subsaharienne a travers et vers le Maroc (The Irregular Sub-Saharan Immigration through and towards Morocco), Cahiers de Migrations Internationales 54 F, Geneva: Bureau International du Travail (International Labour Office), pp. 95-109 (ISBN 92-2-313285-1)
(2001) "Italy, Country Report", in A. Rudiger (ed), Voices of Change. European Minority Organisations in Civil Dialogue, Berlin: Regional Arbeitstellen fur Auslaender, Jugendarbeit und Schule (RAA), pp. 8-14
(2000) Citizens Organize Networks Against Discrimination in Milan, Berliner Institut für Vergleichende Sozialforschung e.V. (ed.), Berlin: Edition Parabolis (ISBN 3-88402-250-4)
(2000) (ed.) Easy Scapegoats: Sans Papiers Immigrants in Italy, Report for the European project "Easy Scapegoats: Sans-Papiers Immigrants in Europe", Weinheim: Freudenberg Stiftung
(2000) "Towards an Emerging Ethnic Class in Italy?", Country report in Towards Emerging Ethnic Classes in Europe? Volume 2: Southern Europe, Weinheim: Freudenberg Stiftung, pp. 1-49 (co-author: P. Farina) (ISBN 3-00-005691-2)
(1999) "Programmazione dei flussi in Europa: il caso dell'Austria", ("Planning of Migratory Flows in Europe: the Case of Austria"), in L. Zanfrini (ed), Immigrati, mercati del lavoro e programmazione dei flussi di ingresso, (Immigrants, Job Markets and Planning of the Entry Flows) "Quaderni I.S.MU." n.1, pp. 149-153.
(1998) Viaggio nell'Europa delle culture - Voyage dans l'Europe des cultures, (Journey in the Europe of Cultures) Milano: Fondazione Cariplo-I.S.MU. (Cd-Rom)