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About Us

Our Vision and Ambition for Teacher Education at the University of Warwick

Our vision and ambition derive from a commitment to continue the long history of Teacher Education at the University of Warwick where generations of new teachers gain employment in schools to improve the life chances of the children they teach.

Every child in every classroom deserves a great teacher every day.

Our values-based approach to developing early career teachers derives from our commitment to developing teachers who are just, curious, and creative who contribute positively to every child’s educational outcome (including SEND and EAL pupils), and to tackling social deprivation.

Our three Warwick Teacher Values underpin how we have developed our ambitious ITE curriculum for early years, primary and secondary PGCE courses. Value-based strands run across the curriculum and the progression of knowledge and skills related to the values. The Core Content Framework is then mapped and integrated within this value-led curriculum model.

Warwick trainee teachers are encouraged to explore their motivation for choosing to enter the teaching profession, to go beyond the functional and into their core values, providing the foundation for our teachers to develop during their early career teacher (ECT) phase. We view our Initial Teacher Education programmes as the beginning of a Warwick teacher’s professional development journey.

The close integration of university and school-based components of the curriculum ensures each aspect of the PGCE contributes to the development of effective classroom practitioners who reflect and evaluate their practice. Our approach to developing trainee knowledge focuses on the importance of assessment as a source of professional development and improvement, rather than judgement. We develop teachers who engage critically with theory and who adopt an evidence-based approach to inform the evaluation of their practice. A weekly assessment cycle is built around an instructional coaching model to support trainees in identifying action steps to change practice.

A key feature of our ITE curriculum is around equity and inclusion through the support for pupils with medical, learning, and mental health issues. We pride ourselves in the ongoing support we offer to each trainee to give them the best chance of a successful PGCE year, to gain employment and to stay in the profession over time.

We pride ourselves on making a difference to our students. We place high-quality teaching and student support at the heart of what we do and recognise that our success is built on the strength of our partnership with our students and schools. Teaching is our top priority and our commitment to our students is paramount.

Our professional services staff play a vital role in supporting students. Our team are friendly, committed and enthusiastic and our warm and welcoming culture ensures that we work with you as an individual as you develop, and are encouraged to fulfil your potential.

If there is anything we can support you with when making choices to embark on any of our courses, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us by email:

We look forward to welcoming you to the Centre for Teacher Education.

Best wishes,


Dr Andy Hind
Head of the Centre for Teacher Education, University of Warwick