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Matt Hornsey

Matt Hornsey - Honorary Teaching Fellow


I’m currently in my 24th year of primary teaching with 17 of those as a classroom teacher. However, as I went directly into teacher training after my A Levels, it could be argued that I’ve been in education since I was 3!

My current role is Deputy Headteacher and Inclusion Lead at Greswold Primary, a large local authority school in Solihull with nearly 700 pupils on roll. I adore the variety of my job. Although my main responsibility is the young people and their families at my setting, my professional belief has always been to support and develop other professionals too. Mentoring and lecturing students from Warwick University and BCU is a prime example of this and something I thoroughly enjoy.

My aim as a practitioner and school leader has never changed, to engage whole school communities in lifelong learning, to offer equality of opportunity for all and finally to share strong and effective practice enabling professionals to think and reflect on their skills, understanding and wellbeing.

Becoming an Honorary Teaching Fellow is immensely flattering, incredibly exciting and the perfect opportunity to explore my knowledge, philosophy, aspirations and values even further with other likeminded professionals. Ultimately, it’s the students and young people we all work with who will greatly benefit from the partnerships and collaborations which will take place I'm sure.