Our Warwick Teacher Values
Social Justice, Intellectual Curiosity and Creativity
In the Centre for Teacher Education, our values-based approach to developing early career teachers derives from our commitment to developing teachers who are just, curious, and creative who contribute positively to every child’s educational outcome (including SEND and EAL pupils), and to tackling social deprivation.
Our three Warwick Teacher Values underpin how we have developed our ambitious ITE curriculum for early years, primary and secondary PGCE courses. Value-based strands run across the curriculum and the progression of knowledge and skills related to the values. The Core Content Framework is then mapped and integrated within this value-led curriculum model.
Warwick trainee teachers are encouraged to explore their motivation for choosing to enter the teaching profession, to go beyond the functional and into their core values, providing the foundation for our teachers to develop during their early career teacher (ECT) phase. We view our Initial Teacher Education programmes as the beginning of a Warwick teacher’s professional development journey.
Watch our video on our Warwick Teacher Values to learn more about our values-based approach to developing the very best teachers.