Schedule 2025
Welcome and introduction
Presenter: Rebecca Friesen, Assistant Professor, CTE

Title: Inclusion and the quest for a better tomorrow!
Keynote lecture: Rebecca Diaz Safeguarding and Inclusion lead for Finham Park MAT.

Rebecca Diaz will give an overview of inclusive practice, looking at why inclusion is important, what it might look like and considering some of the challenges.
Facilitator: Rebecca Friesen
Presenter: Deborah Roberts, Associate Professor, CTE

Session resources: Presentation slidesLink opens in a new window
Presenter: Dr Gemma Gray, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Warwick

Title: Understanding and Supporting learners with ADHD
ADHD can present challenges in the classroom for both teachers and children, but often less discussed are the strengths that children with ADHD have. In this session we’ll explore both sides of ADHD characteristics, talk about the variability of the condition across children, and some common co-occurring conditions. We’ll also talk about how ADHD impacts on children’s learning and behaviour, and some strategies to help children to engage positively in the classroom.
Phase: All
Session Type: Seminar
Facilitator: Sally Spicer
Presenter: Sam Kendall, Sherbourne Fields School

Title: Communication Strategies and Techniques
We will explore some of the common barriers young people with additional needs may face with regards to their communication, how we as practitioners can be mindful of this and some of the techniques and resources which can support a total communication environment.
Phase: All
Session Type: Seminar
Facilitator: Mark Harris
Presenter: Dr Alice Tawell and Dr Ian Thompson, Excluded Lives Project, University of Oxford

Title: Understanding School Exclusion
In this session we will explore the school exclusion landscape in England. We will begin by explaining the formal school exclusion process and statutory guidance. We will then outline the current rates of suspension and permanent exclusion in schools, including the overrepresentation of certain groups, before turning to look at what may lie below these surface level figures, and the consequences of school exclusion. Against this backdrop, we will then draw on findings from two ESRC funded research projects: Excluded Lives and Enacting national school exclusion policy at the local level in England to explore the contextual factors that may affect decision making around school exclusion. We will end by reflecting on the implications of these findings for developing inclusive practices in schools.
Phase: All
Session Type: Seminar
Facilitator: Holly Heshmati
Presenter: Karen Wright and Hannah Cockburn Hearing Team, Integrated Disability Service, Warwickshire County Council
Title: Supporting Pupils with a Hearing Loss in KS1 and KS2
During this training session you will learn about different types of deafness and what this means for students in a Secondary School setting. You will be introduced to the range of audiological equipment used by students and advice and information will be provided on key strategies and resources for different subject areas. Consideration will also be given to access arrangements for pupils with a hearing loss.
Phase: Primary
Session Type: Seminar
Facilitator: Jo Pellereau
Presenter: Alison Morgan and Emily Davies

Title: Your First Steps Towards Embedding Anti-Racist Practice
This session builds on the RiA conference which introduced the areas of curriculum, pedagogies and organisational structures through the lens of anti-racism. This workshop provides trainees with the opportunity to reflect on their own practice and consider their next steps for the implementation of anti-racist approaches in their teaching.
Phase: All
Session Type: Workshop
Presenter: Rachel Burman, Assistant Head, Director of Inclusion Barr's Hill School
Title: Inclusive Thinking and Belonging Schools - How do we deliver equity, high aspirations and destinations for all?
It is estimated that 11% of the UK have a Special Educational Need and the number of students with EHCPs is increasing. This session will explore equitable classrooms and how effective, quality teach first provision can ensure all learners, including those with SEN, have high aspirations and positive destinations. This is an opportunity to discuss collaborative working, roll of the SENCo and 'waves' of provision.
Phase: All
Session Type: Lecture and discussion
Facilitator: Kirsty Weeks
Presenter: Kate Foxon and Sarah Rose, Corley Academy, Corley

Title: Adapting a Challenging Secondary Curriculum and Supporting Literacy for students with autism
This seminar aims to identify some of the main barriers to learning encountered by students with autism within the context of the more challenging secondary curriculums they face. We will initially explore trainees' experiences of autism and co-occurring conditions with opportunities throughout the session to ask questions or seek clarity. A key focus will also be on how we can ensure that, as literacy skills are needed to access much of the curriculum, autistic students are able to navigate this through our adaptive teaching.
Phase: Secondary
Session Type: Lecture
Facilitator: Holly Heshmati
Presenter: Saatchi Vaghela, Teacher of History and English at Oakley School, Leamington Spa

Title: Emotion Coaching and De-Escalation
Outline: This session will cover: why de-escalation can be more effective than empty sanctions, proactive prevention of heightened emotions in students, recognising heightened emotions, methods of de-escalation and meaningful restoration with students.
Phase: All
Session Type: Workshop
Facilitator: Aaron Wilkes
Session resources: HandoutLink opens in a new window
Presenter: Jennifer Murch

Title: Breaking Barriers: The role of alternative provision in tackling exclusion rate
Phase: All
Session Type: Lecture with discussion
Facilitator: Sherine Oakes
Presenter: Karen Wright and Hannah Cockburn Hearing Team, Integrated Disability Service, Warwickshire County Council
Title: Supporting Pupils with a Hearing Loss in KS3 and KS4
During this training session you will learn about different types of deafness and what this means for students in a Secondary School setting. You will be introduced to the range of audiological equipment used by students and advice and information will be provided on key strategies and resources for different subject areas. Consideration will also be given to access arrangements for pupils with a hearing loss.
Phase: All
Session Type: Interactive training session
Facilitator: Jo Pellereau
Presenter: Michelle Andrews & Marilena Richards EAL Advisory Teachers EMAS Coventry

Title: Strategies for supporting newly arrived EAL learners in the classroom
We will be looking at the strategies to support newly arrived (DfE levels A and B) English as an additional language (EAL) learners in primary and secondary classrooms so that they can access the mainstream curriculum and demonstrate their skills and knowledge. We will explore how to plan for an inclusive environment and share strategies to engage new arrivals from the outset.
Phase: All
Session Type: Interactive training session
Facilitator: Rebecca Friesen
Presenter: Bridget Thornhill, Senior Teacher for Dyslexia, Cognition and Learning Team at Nottinghamshire County Council

Identifying and Supporting Dyslexic Learners in Mainstream Settings
Phase: All
Session Type: Lecture
Facilitator: Anna Donnelly
View sessionLink opens in a new window
Session resources: Presentation
Presenter: Sara Nelmes, Deputy Head Primary Sherbourne Fields School/ Autism Lead
Title: Understanding Autism and the Thinking styles of Autistic Children and Young People
Develop an understanding of how autistic children and young people are likely to have a different way of processing information. We will explore the different aspects of cognition, thinking styles and processing likely to impact autistic people and understand how this is essential if we are to best support pupils in school.
Phase: Primary, Secondary/Mainstream/ Special
Session Type: Workshop
Facilitator: Julie Taylor
Presenter: Amanda Gallager, Training and Consultation Practicioner, Compass Shine, Coventry

Title: Understanding emotional Wellbeing in Children and Young People
Phase: All
Session Type: Seminar
Facilitator: Aaron Wilkes
Dear trainees,
Thank you for booking onto this session about emotional wellbeing. Amanda, who is leading this session, would be pleased if you could complete this surveyLink opens in a new window before the session so she can tailor the session to your requirements as far as possible.
Thanks ever so much,
Presenter: Paul Green, Headteacher, Lyng Hall School

Title: Trauma Sensitive Schooling
Using examples from the work we do at Lyng Hall I will explore both the cognitive impact of trauma on children’s ability to learn, and what schools need to do in order to make the organisation both informed and pro-active in its response to the needs of these children.
Phase: All
Session Type: Seminar
Facilitator: Sherine Oakes
Presenter: Kacey de Groot, Assistant Principal Leader of Learning and Drama Teacher, Caludon Castle School
Title: Understanding the fundamentals of Trans and Non-Binary identities to allow those students to thrive.
The session will give an explanation, or clarify participants’ understanding, of the fundamental nature of being transgender or non-binary and what the misconceptions are. We will look at the principles of good practice to ensure that trans and non-binary students are not only safe, but also have the potential to thrive.
Phase: Primary and Secondary
Session Type: Seminar
Facilitator: Alison Morgan
Session resources: Presentation
Presenter: Michelle Andrews & Marilena Richards EAL Advisory Teachers EMAS Coventry
Title: Strategies for supporting newly arrived EAL learners in the classroom
We will be looking at the strategies to support newly arrived (DfE levels A and B) English as an additional language (EAL) learners in primary and secondary classrooms so that they can access the mainstream curriculum and demonstrate their skills and knowledge. We will explore how to plan for an inclusive environment and share strategies to engage new arrivals from the outset!
Phase: All
Session Type: Interactive training session
Facilitator: Rebecca Friesen
Conference feedback
Head over to Moodle to complete the brief survey and to unlock your Inclusion conference digital badge.