Martyn Colliver (The National Mathematics and Science College) - 'Linking Stem education to real-world industry for project-based learning – a case study around an energy from waste (eFw) plant’.
M. Colliver

Will HaywoodLink opens in a new window
I have worked at a variety of schools in the Midlands including 19 years as the Head of Computing at Warwick School. During my time teaching I have developed a passion for looking at how the theory of computer science can also be explored practically at all levels. When looking at trying to take apart the challenge of learning to program I was awarded a ‘Best Practice Scholarship’ from the Department for Education and linked up with Sony using their AIBO robotic dogs as part of my Master’s degree by research from the University of Warwick. The final title of the dissertation was ‘Using robotics as a window into how children learn to program’. I have recently moved to the National Mathematics and Science College and my current project is looking at how we can engage our college in a period of cross-subject project work looking to bring all of our STEM subjects together for a period of time. Working in groups we will be exploring topics from across the subjects demonstrating the linkages and richness that can be secured by considering STEM as whole rather than individual subject areas. We have secured an industry partner, an energy from waste site, to further enhance this work by bringing the topics to be explored into a real-world scenario with site visits and the aim of replicating some of the industrial processes in the classroom. I have also worked closely with exam boards over the last 20 years and over this period managed teams of examiners, written A-level and GCSE computer science papers and currently I am the lead moderator for A-level computer science. I am also on the A-level Subject Practitioner Panel for the National Centre for Computing Education, a keen contributor to many computing education discussion groups, a Raspberry Pi certified educator, a Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE) and a Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert (MIEE).
“The National Mathematics and Science College couldn’t have asked for a more inspirational and experienced Computer Science teacher, Martyn is truly exceptional and at the top of his field. We can’t wait to see how he will take our work in this area to the next level and inspire the next generation of computer scientists through the College” - Dr. Andy Kemp (NATMATSCI Principal)
Youtube: Martyn ColliverLink opens in a new window
Further Reading:
Bybee, R. (2013) The Case for STEM Education: Challenges and Opportunities, NSTA Press: Arlington
21st Century Learning Design (Microsoft)Link opens in a new window