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Children + Young People Zone

Children Young People

Session presenter

Masud Alom

Session title

Reflections of a young climate activist

Masud Alom went to school and college in Birmingham and is now studying for a degree in Politics and International Relations at Cardiff University. He was interviewed by Jake Lever about his activism and why teachers should be addressing climate justice as an issue. Masud is involved as a Student Climate Activist with the UK Student Climate Network - see opens in a new window.

Session recording

Session resources opens in a new window


For the first Green Space Day, a series of resources were collected together around this theme which you are welcome to explore and use in your teaching. Please note that they were accurate and live in April 2022, but some may have been replaced or removed, as we have no control over external resources. The resources are labelled with the following colours and shapes to denote their suitability for particular age phases:

Early Years: Red cross denoting suitability for Early Years Primary: Amber square denoting suitability for Primary Secondary: Green parallelogram denoting suitability for Secondary

Resource title, description and link Suitable for

Children in Year 5 and 6 from All Saints Primary School in Emscote, Warwick, discuss climate change with their teacher Liz Garrett on 10.3.22 (audio recording 19 minutes)

Amber square denoting suitability for Primary

Eco-anxiety - Jo McAndrews and Caroline Hickman - video (60mins)

A talk by members of the Climate Psychology Alliance at the Primary Climate Science Symposium (November 21) on why climate psychology is essential in climate education.

 Red cross denoting suitability for Early Years

Amber square denoting suitability for Primary

Green parallelogram denoting suitability for Secondary

Talking with children about climate change - podcast (34 mins)

How far is it appropriate to engage children and young people in talking about the frightening situation we are in with regards to the climate and the biodiversity crisis? Psychotherapist Caroline Hickman has worked with children for many years and, in conversation with Verity Sharp, shares her experience about ways we can think about addressing this all-important question.

 Red cross denoting suitability for Early Years

Amber square denoting suitability for Primary

Teach the Teacher - young people talk about climate change education as part of COP26 - video

Red cross denoting suitability for Early Years

Amber square denoting suitability for Primary

Green parallelogram denoting suitability for Secondary

Teach the Future - website - young people campaign for climate education

Teach the Future is an inclusive, well organised and persistent campaign by secondary and tertiary education students to greatly improve education on the climate emergency and ecological crisis in the UK.

Green parallelogram denoting suitability for Secondary

Fridays for Future - a youth-led global climate strike movement, initiated in 2018 by Greta Thunberg - website

Red cross denoting suitability for Early Years

Amber square denoting suitability for Primary

Green parallelogram denoting suitability for Secondary

Unicef- what does climate change mean to children around the world? - video (3 minutes)

Red cross denoting suitability for Early Years

Amber square denoting suitability for Primary

Green parallelogram denoting suitability for Secondary

Alexandria Villaseñor, 14 years old climate advocate, makes an opening speech at a UNICEF meeting in 2019 - video (5 minutes)

Red cross denoting suitability for Early Years

Amber square denoting suitability for Primary

Green parallelogram denoting suitability for Secondary

UNICEF (UK) - 9 out of 10 Children are worried about climate change

Red cross denoting suitability for Early Years

Amber square denoting suitability for Primary

Green parallelogram denoting suitability for Secondary

UNICEF - fact sheet article on children and climate change

Red cross denoting suitability for Early Years

Amber square denoting suitability for Primary

Green parallelogram denoting suitability for Secondary

Scientific American - children change their parents’ minds about climate change

Red cross denoting suitability for Early Years

Amber square denoting suitability for Primary

Green parallelogram denoting suitability for Secondary

TEDX Stockholm - Greta Thunberg gives an 11 minute Ted Talk in 2018

Amber square denoting suitability for Primary

Green parallelogram denoting suitability for Secondary

UK Student Climate Network


Green parallelogram denoting suitability for Secondary