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Term 3 Theme: Life Balance

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Date of update

Lots of clock faces

27th April 2022


A huge part of your PGCE course is being organised. This means submitting your lesson plans on time, ensuring that you have the resources you need before your lesson, reading an article for your assignment. There are so many competing deadlines that it can become overwhelming. Learning to prioritise the tasks you have to complete and having a plan of how and when to tackle each one can help to reduce overwhelm and make you feel more in control. See the resources below to learn how to effectively prioritise your workload.

Person holding head and hand up demonstrating overwhem

4th May 2022

Overcoming Overwhelm

It’s easy to find ourselves overwhelmed. Even seasoned multitaskers can find themselves with too much to do or too many thoughts circling in their heads. Take a look at some of these resources that can help you deal with stress and be less overwhelmed.

The Eisenhower Matrix showing 4 quadrants to help you decide what is important: 1) Important and urgent - do it now, 2) Important and not urgent - schedule it soon, 3) Urgent and not important - reschedule or delegate, 4) Not urgent and not important - do later or avoid

Person doing yoga on a beach

11th May 2022

Self-Management (2)

Have a look at these resources to develop your 'gain frame':

Workers destroying perfectionism

18th May 2022


What will people think?

“Perfectionists are their own devils.” - Jack Kirby

There are two types of perfectionists:

The one that never starts - You want to achieve something, but you immediately start doubting yourself. You think: “I don’t think I can do it.” So you never start.

The one that starts but has too high standards - You set a goal. You work hard (maybe too hard). But you’ve set your goals so high, that you’re always failing yourself.

This 3 minute read will help you identify traits of perfectionism in your own life and help you overcome it - and build happiness.

Now for the bit about what people think. 3 min videoLink opens in a new window on why perfectionism is a 20-ton shield that stops you from being seen.

Children pulling on a rope in a tug of war

25th May 2022

"Give and take" in schools

There will be times when you go above and beyond to flex to the demands of the job- e.g., there will be:

  • Busy assessment periods
  • Report-writing periods
  • Times of staff shortage

Equally, there may be times when you need extra support from your school. You may have:

  • An injury
  • Bereavement
  • Other support needs

The ways your school can support you will be covered in your school’s absence policy and additional help is possible at the headteacher’s discretion.

Flexing is temporary

It is important, however, not to let levels of overtime become embedded in your practice.

Ensure that you understand and arrange (with yourself at least) how long a period of extra work will last and try to stick to it.

Learning when to say no will help you to work this out.

Other resources to help:

Read the WikiHow article on saying no without feeling guilty opens in a new window

This article has some great tips opens in a new window.

Check out the article 'Setting Boundaries and Saying No… Nicely' opens in a new window

In the Education Staff Wellbeing CharterLink opens in a new window there is also a commitment to considering flexibility Link opens in a new windowfor those who need or request it.

Work life balance tip sheetLink opens in a new window

Valley with cable cars moving between two peaks

8th June 2022

The Wellbeing Charter and you

Check out the 11 principles of the Education Staff Wellbeing Charter. Each area is designed to allow schools to prioritise and protect your wellbeing. Will you be a champion of the charter and help ensure your own wellbeing and that of others? Check out this school wellbeing example:

Brompton Hall School wellbeing charter showing examples such as free teas and coffees, free staff parking, sporting activities, marking policy and career development.

How many of the principles have they embedded? What else is important?

Lavender plant

15th June 2022

The Wellbeing Charter and you

What have YOU learnt about managing your work/life balance? Why not take a few minutes to note your top tips. Here’s one I did earlier:

Silhouette showing graduates throwing hats in the air

22nd June 2022

Celebration and Reflection

Reflection on the year


29th June 2022

Failing well

The thing that might make the most difference for you as you go into your ECT years, is your attitude to failure. Yes, you read right, failure!

Person doing yoga on a beach