Accommodation in Royal Leamington Spa
House prices: According to the property site RightMoveLink opens in a new window, properties in Leamington Spa sold for an overall average price of £359,933 over the year to October 2022.
The majority of sales in Leamington Spa during the last year were terraced properties, selling for an average price of £329,311. Flats sold for an average of £252,529, with semi-detached properties fetching £351,817.
Overall, sold prices in Leamington Spa over the last year were 1% down on the previous year and 2% up on the 2019 peak of £354,026.
Approximate figures for the cost of living in Leamington are:
- Rent per month:
Apartment 1 bedroom in City Centre = £850.00
Apartment 1 bedroom outside City Centre = £701.00
Apartment 3 bedrooms in City Centre = £1,500.00
Apartment 3 bedrooms outside City Centre = £1,333.00 - Buy apartment price:
Price per square meter in City Centre = £4,583.33
Price per square meter outside City Centre = £3,750.00
(The above cost of living data is based on 125 entries in the past 12 and has been provided by Last update: Nov 2022)
Websites: Rightmove, Zoopla, Gumtree, Your Move, Spareroom
Some local Estate/Letting Agencies:
Handles PropertyLink opens in a new window
Sheldon Bosley Knight Link opens in a new window
WiglesworthLink opens in a new window
We would also recommend using Arla, an useful tool when searching for agent.