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Module Evaluation Results

We evaluate you by marking your coursework and exams. In turn, you evaluate us. In each of the Autumn and Spring terms all students taking a module based in the Department of Economics are asked to fill in an online evaluation questionnaire. This gives you the opportunity to express your views on various aspects of the module. Feedback is most useful when it is provided in a considered and thoughtful way, and when you are able to be decisive rather than relying too much on the 'Neither Agree nor Disagree' option.

We really value the feedback we receive from you, and are often able to make improvements to our provision after hearing your thoughts and suggestions. Individual module lecturers and class tutors are able to view their individual ratings and the comments you have made about their teaching, and are asked to provide a response, which we will publish on each module web page. Departmental management reviews the ratings and the comments made for all modules and publishes a summary of module evaluation results, which you can view here. You are also able to see the ratings given by students for each module you have taken in the form of the charts below.
