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EC307: Macroeconomic Policy in the EU

  • Christian Soegaard

    Module Leader
15 CATS - Department of Economics
Summer Module
Spring Module

Principal Aims

This module provides students with an overview of current economic and political affairs in the UK and in the Eurozone. You will be exposed to a range of applications and monetary theories. You will gain an understanding of how the European institutions work, in particular, the European Central Bank, and the conduct of monetary policy in the Eurozone. The module also covers labour markets and their implications for monetary policy. You will gain skills and techniques to analyse problems relating to monetary policy using mainly a diagrammatic and intuitive approach.

Principal Learning Outcomes

Subject knowledge and understanding:… demonstrate a qualitative and quantitative understanding of the current issues in macroeconomic policy in the EU. The teaching and learning methods that enable students to achieve this learning outcome are: Lectures, seminars, individual study, background reading. The assessment methods that measure the achievement of this learning outcome are: Final examination and assessed seminar presentation (summative).

Subject knowledge and understanding:… demonstrate a knowledge of current events including trends and developments in economic data, policy institutions and legislation, and theoretical and econometric models of policy and policy outcomes. The teaching and learning methods that enable students to achieve this learning outcome are: Lectures, seminars, individual study, background reading. The assessment methods that measure the achievement of this learning outcome are: Final examination and assessed seminar presentation (summative).

Key skills: … communicate their knowledge of macroeconomic policy in the EU verbally and in writing. The teaching and learning methods that enable students to achieve this learning outcome are: Seminars, individual study, background reading. The assessment methods that measure the achievement of this learning outcome are: Final examination and assessed essay (summative) and seminar participation (formative).

Cognitive skills: …demonstrate an ability to apply their knowledge of macroeconomic policy issues to current economic events and case studies. The teaching and learning methods that enable students to achieve this learning outcome are: Lectures, seminars, individual study, background reading. The assessment methods that measure the achievement of this learning outcome are: Final examination and assessed seminar presentation (summative).

Professional skills: … review the relevant literature, case studies and evidence. The teaching and learning methods that enable students to achieve this learning outcome are: Lectures, seminars, individual study, background reading. The assessment methods that measure the achievement of this learning outcome are: Final examination and assessed seminar presentation (summative).


The module focuses on aspects of macroeconomic policy, with emphasis on its conduct in the EU, investigating current policy issues, and considers the development of current policy thinking in the light of recent experience. The syllabus will typically cover the following topics: the functioning of the EU and European Monetary Union.


Optional Module
LM1D (LLD2) - Year 3, GL11 - Year 3, GL12 - Year 4, L100 - Year 3, L103 - Year 4, L116 - Year 3, L1P5 - Year 1, L1PA - Year 1, V7ML - Year 3, V7MM - Year 4, V7MP - Year 3, V7MR - Year 3, LA99 - Year 3, R9L1 - Year 4, R3L4 - Year 4, R4L1 - Year 4, R2L4 - Year 4, R1L4 - Year 4, L1L8 - Year 3
Pre or Co-requisites

Any of:

EC201-30 Macroeconomics 2 AND

EC202-30 Microeconomics 2


EC204-30 Economics 2


Modules: (EC201-30 and EC202-30) and EC204-30


Assessment Method
Coursework (20%) + Online Examination (80%)
Coursework Details
Online Examination (80%) , Presentation (20%)
Exam Timing

Exam Rubric

Time Allowed: 2 Hours

Read all instructions carefully- and read through the entire paper at least once before you start entering your answers.

There are TWO Sections in this paper. Answer BOTH questions in Section A (40 marks in total) and ONE question in Section B (60 marks).

Approved pocket calculators are allowed.

You should not submit answers to more than the required number of questions. If you do, we will mark the questions in the order that they appear, up to the required number of questions in each section.

Previous exam papers can be found in the University’s past papers archive. Please note that previous exam papers may not have operated under the same exam rubric or assessment weightings as those for the current academic year. The content of past papers may also be different.

Reading Lists