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EC9C6: Topics in Macroeconomics

  • Giovanni Ricco

    Module Leader
  • Leonardo Melosi

    Module Lecturer
12 CATS - Department of Economics
Spring Module

Principal Aims

This is an existing second year option module on the MRes Economics. In the current year students will choose five modules from a pool of eleven option modules. Students are also permitted to take up to two of their option modules from outside the department.

Principal Learning Outcomes

Have a good overview and a thorough understanding of Macroeconomics.

Develop a critical knowledge of recent research in some key areas of Macroeconomics.

Enable students to pursue their own research agenda in the field.


Illustrative topics include:

• Developments in computational macroeconomics, covering the key state of the art techniques to implement and solve macroeconomic models of any kind.

• Developments in growth theory, covering recent developments in issues that characterize the long run economic evolution as well as policy intervention with long run cycles.

• Developments in macro-labour, and developments in fiscal and monetary economics, both topics focusing on business cycle macro-economics and short and medium run labour market and financial frictions as well as policy interventions with short-run targets.


Pre or Co-requisites
Satisfactory completion of MRes year 1


Assessment Method
Coursework (100%)
Coursework Details
Review of Research Paper (50%) , Review of Research Paper (50%)
Exam Timing

Reading Lists