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Contact Us

The following people will be your most important contacts in the Department during your time at Warwick.

Postgraduate Office

T: +44 (0) 24 765 28172
E: economics dot pgoffice at warwick dot ac dot uk

If you need help, you can visit the staff in the Postgraduate Office; room S1.132, Social Sciences.

  • Chau Ho: Postgraduate Co-ordinator (PGT)
  • Tina Jones: Programmes Manager (PGT)
  • TBC, Student Engagement and Experience Coordinator (PG)

Your queries

Please also consult the Department website where you are likely to find the answer to most of your queries.

Key contacts

You can find a list of the key contacts who can offer support and guidance in the MRes Handbook, as well as on our people page.

Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to keep up to date with what's happening in and around the Department.

Director of MRes Programme

Dr Pablo BekerLink opens in a new window has office hours throughout the term, if you need to consult him on an academic matter.

Your Personal Tutor

Each student is allocated a Personal Tutor, who is a member of academic staff to whom the Personal Tutee can turn for confidential advice regarding personal matters. Your Personal Tutor is one of your most important contacts with the Department and University. Personal tutor for MRes students is the Director of the MRes programme.

Economics Senior Tutor

The PG Senior Tutor for Economics is Mahnaz Nazneen. If you have a problem or concern that is perhaps more serious, it is a good idea to see the Senior Tutor, who will be able to offer help and advice or point you in the direction of other people and services within the University.

Wellbeing Support Services

There is a comprehensive network of support and welfare services available to students to support them in times of difficulty. There is often more than one service which may be able to help, and services work together to ensure that any problems are dealt with swiftly and effectively.

Wellbeing Student Support acts as a hub for all the different support services. You can visit them if you have a problem, query or difficulty, but aren’t quite sure who can help. Wellbeing Student Support will help where they can and refer on to other more specialised services where relevant.

Finding your way around

The Department of Economics is situated in the Social Sciences Building on the main campus.

Your first point of call for most initial enquiries is the Postgraduate Office, which is located in room S1.130. Most University room numbers are in three parts each of which conveys information.

For example, to find S0.90:

S = Social Sciences building
0 = the ground floor (0 = ground floor, 1 = first floor etc)
90 = the room number

Lectures and classes take place in a variety of places across campus so make sure you keep a campus map handy.

The University of Warwick interactive campus map is a great way to find your location and help plan your route, and you can even view floor plans of various buildings. The Department of Economics is based in the Social Sciences building, and you can download one of our maps to keep handy, until you get to grips with where everything is.

Please not that it is your responsibility to find the locations of your lectures and seminars and to ensure you arrive at them on time.