We have acted on your feedback
We have worked together to implement some real improvements to your teaching and learning experience
We listen very carefully to all student feedback from both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
The examples below show a large number of important changes that have been implemented as a direct result of your feedback and are a testament to both student and staff dedication to provide the best education possible.
Research and Pastoral Support
You said...
there needed to be more clarity on supervisors’ responsibilities and you needed more information on who to approach with concerns.
So we...
developed a Supervisor Handbook, which has been circulated to all supervisors and made available on the staff intranet. Students can also access the handbook hereLink opens in a new window. We also appointed Professor Wiji Arulampalam as additional pastoral support for research students.
Support for Research Costs and IT
You said...
you wanted more flexibility with regard to how you spend your allocation of £1,200 from the Research Student Conference and Research Costs Budget, including access to summer schools.
So we...
revised the policy, introducing more flexibility. Students can now use their allocation from the fund to pay for fieldwork, purchase of data or equipment or attendance at a summer school, but they must get support from their supervisor for the funding request. Final decisions on expenditure are made by Directors MRes/PhD.
You said...
you were unclear about how to access IT support in the department.
So we...
have updated the Current Student web page to signpost more clearly how students can report IT problems.
Guidance with regard to reporting IT issues and also well-being support has been added to the student handbook, communicated by email and also added to the display boards in each of the student workrooms. The Current Student web page has been updated to signpost more clearly how students can report IT problems.
Dissertation and Examination
You said...
You said that provision of information on submission and examination of the PhD thesis should be improved for second- and third-year PhD students.
So we...
introduced a re-vamped annual induction meeting for second and third year PhD students, which focusses on information and guidance particularly pertinent to this group of students. First year students continue to have a separate induction session.
Skills Development
You said...
you needed more help and support to identify your training needs.
So we...
now require supervisors to discuss training needs with the student regularly, particularly at the beginning of the academic year when discussions about work to be undertaken over the next year take place. This improved guidance to supervisors is included in the Supervisors Handbook.